Immortal Prophecy (The Immortal Prophecy Saga)

Free Immortal Prophecy (The Immortal Prophecy Saga) by Samantha Adams, Kay Fry Page A

Book: Immortal Prophecy (The Immortal Prophecy Saga) by Samantha Adams, Kay Fry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Adams, Kay Fry
Tags: Vampires, prophecy
process and nothing was going to stand between him and taking Ally as his own. She needed to be smoothly transitioned into this existence.
    Mortals…they are so easily drawn in, even when we don’t want them to be, he thought as he led her back outside into the winter paradise.
    ”You are quite the dancer, James.”
    “Thank you Alessandra. I have had many years to perfect my skills.”
    “I must confess you are a most intimidating man,” she paused looking into his eyes again. “You must have at least one flaw?”
    He chuckled. “Yes I have many flaws actually.” He paused as if gathering his thoughts. “Some people might say I’m too ruthless and perhaps pigheaded.”
    She laughed. “Good to know but that describes most men. I want a flaw that is all your own.”
    “Hmm…” he stopped and leaned against a tree thinking. “A flaw that is all my own.”
    “Yes it would make you less intimidating,” she laughed.
    His eyes light up as he thought of a flaw. “I don’t like getting up early,” he said as his mouth curved up on one side while his eyes appeared to be laughing.
    “Well that makes two of us then. I hate early mornings which makes my job perfect for me.”
    “What do you do for work?” he asked.
    His full attention was focussed on her. She loved it but feared it at the same time. Was he this intense with everyone or just me? she wondered.
    “I’m a private investigator.”
    He smirked at her. “So you spy on people.”
    “Well yes that is essentially the job description.”
    “What is the allure that drew you to that particular profession?”
    “A thirst for the truth.” She stated without hesitation.
    He looked nervous for the first time tonight. “So the truth is important to you?”
    “Yes it is very important. I should think it is important to a lot of people.”
    “Oh Alessandra,” he sighed, “you would be surprised. Most people like to hide from the truth.”
    “And how would you know that for sure?” She asked with a challenge in her voice.
    “Let’s just say I have been observing people for quite some time and they don’t like the truth at all. They prefer illusions and smoke screens.”
    “They?” she enquired. “You refer to us human beings as if you’re not one of them.”
    I’m not he thought to himself.
    “No, I’m just speaking from an observant point of view.” He said hoping that he had made a smooth recovery.
    She studied him for a minute. The way she looked at him as though she was not entirely convinced made him squirm. She must have been satisfied though because she said, “So you’re an observer.”
    “I like to think I am, yes.”
    “And what is your chosen profession?”
    Nothing about it is chosen, he thought wryly.
    “I’m in the security business,” he answered.
    “Security business? That is very broad. You could be a bodyguard, a seedy underworld character or even a security guard at the shopping centre.”
    He couldn’t help but laugh. She was such a treasure that he intended to guard with his life . Yes Ally, he thought, I am a bodyguard…yours.
    “Well I’m definitely not a seedy underworld character and I don’t work at the local shopping plaza or bank.”
    She smiled “So that leaves bodyguard then.”
    “Maybe I am, then again maybe I’m not,” he replied mysteriously.
    She laughed at his manner. He was being intentionally mysterious, baiting her in a search to uncover to the truth. It was a gesture that showed he was listening to every word she said. It touched her.
    “That’s a rather non-committal answer.” She said intrigued. “That leads me to assume you are a bodyguard, either with highly important clients that require secrecy or perhaps you aren’t a bodyguard at all…”
    He leaned towards her. “You love to uncover the truth so I’m handing you a puzzle to solve…” leaning even further in while whispering against her ear he asked, “What am I, Alessandra?”
    At his whispered words she felt the world

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