Pushed to the Edge (SEAL Team 14)

Free Pushed to the Edge (SEAL Team 14) by Loren Mathis

Book: Pushed to the Edge (SEAL Team 14) by Loren Mathis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loren Mathis
that is, if she doesn’t slit my throat in the car.  The good doctor hates
my guts.”
    Joshua laughed at his remark. “Yeah, I don’t think
that Olivia is much the murdering type.  She is kind of in the business of
saving people’s lives.”
    “ Sure .  Well, if she doesn’t mind me driving
her back, I’m cool with it.”
    Just as Joshua was about to respond, Olivia
finished the song and walked back to her seat at the bar—with several
lust-stricken marines applauding and even some of the SEALs ogling her. 
    “Jooosssh . . .  I’m having such a good time,”
Olivia drawled in her honey soaked voice.  Will caught her tipping back her
glass when he turned his head to cast a sidelong glance at her.  She cocked her
head up at Joshua and gave him a big hug.  She sported a full, white-toothed
grin on her face.  Will rolled his eyes at the display.
    Joshua grinned, hugging her back.  “Hey, I’m
glad.  You need to go out and have fun more, you know.  You never would go out
that much during your medical school days.  You were such a bookworm.  This is
a nice change.  So listen, I’m going over to a . . .  friend’s . . .  later on,
do you mind if Will here takes you home?” 
    Will watched as Olivia’s smile rapidly disappeared
from her face.  “I don’t care for him.  He’s a stereotypical male jerk,” Olivia
said icily, apparently not caring that Will was sitting on Josh’s opposite side
and could hear her insulting comment.
    “Oh gee, thanks sweet cheeks.  You’re a real prize
yourself tonight,” Will said in an equally disgusted tone.  Will couldn’t
believe that she had said that.  She didn’t even know him that well to make
that kind of statement about him.
    Before Olivia could send back a scathing reply,
Joshua interrupted and tried his hand at being the peacemaker between the two. 
“Hey, hey now children.  Olivia, be nice.  Will is a good guy.  You will be as
safe as houses with him.  I swear.”
    “Whatever,” Olivia said, scrunching up her nose. 
“You know I’m not a child that needs babysitting, Josh.  I am perfectly capable
of walking myself home.”
    Joshua smiled, shaking his head.  “Not this late
at night you won’t.  I’m sure your sister would cut off my balls with a dull
blade if anything happened to you.  Seriously you two . . .  try to be nice to
one another tonight,” Joshua implored.  Will watched Joshua get up from his bar
stool and throw some money on the bar to pay for his, Will’s, and Olivia’s
    “Have a good night, Olivia.  See you later, Will,”
Joshua said before he sauntered over to the busty redhead that Will had pointed
out earlier.  Joshua left with her and her raven-haired friend about ten
minutes later.  Lucky bastard .
    Will stared at Olivia.  Great, just great . 
Now what was he going to say to Queen Olivia who clearly had a problem with
him?  Before he could formulate a coherent, non-antagonistic comment or
question to ask her he was interrupted.
    “Hey sexy, want to get back to dancing,” a soft,
velvety voice whispered into Will’s right ear as slender arms wrapped
possessively around his chest.  Will didn’t even have to turn around to know
who it was. 
    “Oh hey, Melissa.”  Will looked down at the
brunette he had been dancing with earlier.  Even though he was sitting down at
the bar, she still barely reached the level of his shoulders.  She was a little
    “It’s Michelle.”
    “Oh yeah, right.  Michelle.  Sorry.  Look, I’m
talking to a . . . friend right now.  Maybe some other time.  Have a good
evening,” Will replied.  The brunette shot both Will and Olivia dirty looks
before she stomped off.
    Will glanced at Olivia and saw that she was
looking around the room, at anywhere but at him.  “So you have a sister?”  Will
asked, shattering the awkward silence between the two of them.  He leaned
forward in his seat, his arms resting on the bar, turning his head toward

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