Guys and Trolls

Free Guys and Trolls by Barry Lowe

Book: Guys and Trolls by Barry Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barry Lowe
Tags: Erótica
Guys and Trolls
by Barry Lowe

    Copyright ©2010 by Barry Lowe
    First published in 2010, 2010

    NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

    Guys and Trolls
    About The Author
    Other LYD Titles
    * * * *
    Scanning, uploading and/or distribution of this book via the Internet, print, audio recordings or any other means without the permission of the Publisher is illegal and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
    * * * *
    This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental
    Guys and Trolls
    Copyright(C)2010 Barry Lowe
    ISBN 978-1-60054-584-9
    His and His Kisses Edition
    Cover art and design by Dawne Dominique
    All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation
    * * * *
    Published by
    loveyoudivine Alterotica 2010
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    Guys and Trolls
    Barry Lowe
    * * * *
    He was a crying, talking, sleeping, walking, living troll!
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    Guys and Trolls
    * * * *
    Einarr was pissed. He'd been very rudely woken from a very long slumber in which his dreams had just been getting to the interesting bit, to find himself catapulted about five miles into the air. He was now plummeting to earth at a bone-shattering speed that would end with him somewhere in the icy North Atlantic. It wasn't the brutal awakening or the unexpected propulsion into the air, after all he liked travel, it wasn't even the scorched underpants he found as his only article of clothing or even his singed testicles that were flapping obscenely in the breeze. No, it was that unlike most trolls, he hated being in water over his head.
    On his downward trajectory, he had time to admire the beauty of Eyjafjallajokull's eruption. The beautiful exploding palate of reds, oranges, yellows, greens and blues reflected in his large black eyes, and the eerie lightning fingers clawing the inky dark sulphurous clouds.
    He wondered what year it was now, he'd last been awakened in the early 1820s. Sadly, his bedside clock with its millennia calendar that automatically allowed for leap years had probably gone up in flames along with his bed and all his soft furnishings. He hoped his insurance would cover it, but he guessed it wouldn't. Those insurance gnomes were tight-fisted bastards.
    Being the guardian of one of Iceland's myriad volcanoes was tedious work. Okay, the pay and conditions were not the greatest but how many jobs paid you to sit round on your ass for hundreds of years with nothing much to do except monitor the temperature of the mountain god and make sure the fever doesn't take hold. When it did, whoa, stand out of the way or get your toes severely burned. Einarr looked down and cursed. He was going to need one helluva pedicure.
    If he came through this alive.
    With the water fast approaching, he surveyed his surroundings and saw lights not too far away. Maybe, just maybe, he had a chance of survival.
    He took the largest gulp of air he could and held his breath.
    The impact almost knocked the wind out of his lungs. He wanted to scream from the cold as the North Atlantic absorbed his body before opening up to swallow him whole. It was enough to kill most creatures but Einarr was sturdier than most. And he was prepared. As much as could be expected.
    As he plunged deeper, he

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