Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods

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Book: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods by Arantes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arantes
forgive me. I’m not worthy to be in your presence!” said the servant with embarrassment. She quickly grabbed a rag and gave it to Sonia, bowing her head in shame.
    “You must be more careful next time, you almost gave me a second degree burn,” said Sonia with a relaxing tone.
    The servant broke down and started crying. Sonia quickly touched her shoulder.
    “What’s the matter? Why are you nervous around me?” asked Sonia.
    “It’s because I love you Ms Sonia, your beauty is unparalleled by anyone. You’re a Pureblood and I am a mere vampire. A mere servant and nothing more, I live to serve you and I honor you for that, Ms Sonia.” It wasn’t that she was in love with Sonia, she admire her very much.
    Sonia was a bit surprised, “What your name, you must be new?” 
    The servant wiped the tears off her face. “My name?” asked the servant.
    “Yes I want to know your name,” said Sonia with a warm smile.
    “It’s… Magi, milady,” she now looked more content.
    “What a beautiful name, Magi. How about you and I become friends? I know how hard it is to be new around here.”
    She started to cry again. This time it was a happy cry.
    Th e throne’s door opened and Angelione walked in. He looked across the room to find Sonia comforting a servant, which he did not care for. He sat on the opposite side of the table and opened his book. He looked to his right to see Sonia walking towards the table and the servant leaving the room. Sonia sat there and stared at the cover of his book, the same book with the “Black Dagger” on it.
    “Well good morning to you,” said Sonia.
    Angelione poured himself a small amount of juice and asked, “What was that all about?”
    Sonia smiled , “It was nothing, just making a new friend.”
    Angelione had long white pants and a white shirt, a red jacket and a matching red scarf around his neck.
    “Aren’t you going to ask me about Albedo?” asked Sonia.
    Angelione took his eyes off his book. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”
    “Well aren’t you no fun.” She briefed him on Albedo’s progress. “So tell me Angelione, how’s your pupil coming along?” asked Sonia as she stuffed cake in her mouth. It was not proper etiquette for her to eat this much amount of cake, but she did not care. She missed her sweets! The cake tasted good, it had strawberry around the edges. Sonia had always wanted to learn how to make sweets like that, but she was just too busy.
    “They’re coming along just fine, but they still have much to learn. They need to stop being so hasty and have patience,” said Angelione.
    “I wonder, where do you think the King is sending us this time?” 
    Angelione himself had wondered that. “Not where, but after whom is he sending us this time. Sonia, Vincent broke into Inferno just to be defeated. No humans were bitten; in fact it’s as if nothing happened. I just can’t help but wonder why?”
    Sonia stretched her legs. “It’s no secret that both Aleister and the Numeral Society are getting more active. Those two are considered the biggest threat to the Six High Kings, Angelione,” she leaned forward. “If we can bring Vincent to his knees, we can do the same to Aleister.” 
    A man walked in the room and told them the king was on his way.              
    The King walked in and without hesitation Sonia and Angelione bowed to him. The King had a presence about him that commands attention, fear and respect. Those were the qualities a King needed to be great in the eyes of his people.
    “Good, you’re both here,” said King Victor. He sat with his cheek rested on his fist as he sat on his throne. 
    “May we ask…what is the mission.” inquired Angelione hesitantly. He was more curious about the mission and wanted to know what it was.
    Sonia however had Albedo on her mind, she wondered how he will do without her; he’s completely useless by himself .
    King Victor showed them a

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