Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods

Free Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods by Arantes

Book: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods by Arantes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arantes
it’s a gloomy dank private study within the six story cathedral library.  It requires much effort to look up and clearly see the details of the ceiling towering over you.  He took a sip of water so his throat wouldn’t get dry; unaware that there was a young man behind him slowly approaching with a dagger in his hand.
    The young man moved slowly as not to alarm Angelione. The sweat on his face hit the floor and even a small bug could hear it. As he got closer to Angelione, he hesitated for a second. The perfect assassin has no time for hesitation, so why should he? He lunged at Angelione’s neck. Angelione quickly turned around and caught the dagger before it stabbed his neck. Angelione caught his hand and threw him across the table with his right hand. The young man crashed into the bookshelves and the books fell to the floor. Angelione’s movements were naked to his eyes; he thought to himself it was impossible to catch this man of guard. Angelione lifted his head up and gave him a malice smile.
                  “Dante, as soon as you entered this room, I could feel the fear in your movement. Hesitation to kill your prey will cost you your life,” said Angelione in a teaching tone.
    Dante got up and wiped his clothes off. “Yes, master,” he said with a disappointed voice.
    Throughout the whole process, Angelione’s left hand did not move, the book was still in the very exact same page.
    Dante had short white hair, crystal blue eyes, a necklace around his neck, and a handsome stature that would make any lady fall to her knees for him. Angelione pushed the glasses back to his face; he was a man who only spoke when it was necessary. He left the room, leaving Dante to clean up his mess. Dante was disappointed in himself; if only he had not let Angelione’s presence intimidate him.

Chapter 5
    The Hunt
                         Thre e months passed by in the blink of an eye. Albedo was no longer the weak, skinny boy Sonia once remembered. His body was more masculine. He had the strength equal to the average Pureblood. He was faster. His stamina was much more enduring. He and Sonia stood on top of a roof, Sonia with her black cloak on and her mask in her hand. Sonia had asked him to meet her here. Albedo had decided not to go back to school that day. That morning he woke up and ate with his mother. He had eaten all that his stomach could consume. His father had left for work early as usual. Sonia had left early that morning and left him a note.
    In the note it read, “Hey Albedo meet me on top of the old castle’s roof.”
    Now Albedo stood next to her and wondered what Sonia wanted to tell him. He noticed she had her chains wrapped around her hands. For the first time, he noticed that the chains weren’t thick and bulky.  They were very strong but thin and wiry better suited for the agility to snatch her prey.  Don’t let its looks fool you.
    “Albedo, there’s something I must do,” she said with an uneasy voice.
    The look in her eyes told Albedo his training was over. Maybe King Victor needed her.
    She was a Black Reaper after all.
    “You have to leave,” he said with a sad face. He thought about how much he would miss her if she were gone.
    “I should be back in a week or less, depends on the mission. The King needs me,” said Sonia. She had explained to him that the Black Reapers’ Division was for missions not training.  As much as she wanted to stay also, she had no choice but to leave, she was being sent on a mission by King Victor.  They had grown attached to each other; she was content with the progress he had made. His newfound strength was a reflection of his passion and hard work.
              “Before I leave, let me show you something!” said Sonia.
    Albedo wondered curiously what Sonia had planned to show to him. She raised her left hand to the sky and her hand erupted with flames like a lit torch.
    “This is my ability, I can emit fire,” said

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