A Playboy's Love Affair

Free A Playboy's Love Affair by Emily Quinn

Book: A Playboy's Love Affair by Emily Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Quinn
Tags: Contemporary
barrier between them. “You. You are my deal, and the more you fight me, the more I want you. You have one of two choices: give it up or keep losing.” Not minding the curious glances being sent their way, his hand cupped her chin and he kissed her. “God, I’ve missed you,” he whispered, his lips claiming hers once more, showing her just how much he’d missed her.
    “Ouch! What the f—” Alex let go of her as his fingertips felt his injured upper lip. The room grew silent, all eyes were on them.
    “Oh, did that hurt?” Carly’s mouth twitched slightly. “Good. It’s too bad it didn’t bleed. I never lose either, Alex. Never. It’s about time you get that into that hard head of yours.” She turned around to leave, but Alex snatched her arm and threw her over his shoulder ignoring everyone on his way out.
    “Put me down!” she cried out. “What’s wrong with you?” Her struggle against him only gained her a slap on her ass. “Oh my God! This is embarrassing. Put me down now, please,” Carly pleaded.
    The valet brought to the front his metallic black Range Rover in no time. Alex threw her on the passenger seat without decorum and quickly walked over to the driver side.
    “Let me out!” Carly tried to force open the passenger door with no success.
    “Stop that. It won’t open, the child lock is on.”
    Carly stared at him incredulously. “You got some nerve. This is kidnapping.”
    “And what are you going to do, walk back in there as if nothing just happened?”
    “Where are you taking me?” she asked.
    “I’m taking you home.” His tone was final. He turned his car stereo on, and Sail by Awolnation sounded from the speakers. This wasn’t the grand exit Alex had in mind when he’d resolved to leave this place with her tonight. His little exit from the charity would be all over the gossip columns tomorrow, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was Carly was at his side now.
    “Interesting choice of music.”
    Alex upped the volume as he steered the car onto the San Diego Freeway, and drove another forty-five minutes before taking the off-ramp to his final destination.
    His bachelor pad was an elegant eco-friendly house with glass doors that opened to a front and back courtyard. Alex opened the passenger’s door. “Are you coming?”
    Carly glared at him as she got out of the car, and followed him. Alex led her through the front courtyard and into the house. If there was a bachelor pad to have, his place would be it. The deck design and the sliding glass walls on each corner gave it a natural indoor-outdoor living feel. Alex got rid of his tuxedo jacket and bow tie and threw them on an accent chair in his living room. He advanced in on Carly, with intent in every step.
    Carly ran her hands down her sides. “If you’re trying to scare me, I’m happy to say you’re failing miserably.”
    “Am I?” He quirked a brow as he closed the distance.
    “Yes. Whatever this scheme of yours is, you’re failing terribly.”
    “If my scheme is a failure, why are you still standing there?” He stood a few inches away from her. At her silent response he asked, “Well, are you going to run?”
    Carly straightened to her full height. “Should I?”
    He regarded her and without preamble one arm encircled her waist bringing her fast and hard up against his body, his free hand sliding through her soft long waves. In a split second, his lips were on hers, devouring her mouth, forcing it open as his tongue explored her delicious cave. Carly shoved him away, but he fastened his hold on her instead. Her complaints were muffled by his mouth demanding more. She bit him again, but he bit her back.
    “Ow. You’re a savage! Let go of me.”
    He sidestepped her attempt to kick him in his groin. “I thought you said you weren’t afraid of me.”
    Carly stopped struggling against him. “I’m not.”
    “Then show me you’re not. Don’t bite me, kiss me. Give me a real kiss and I promise to let you go.”

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