Enduringly Yours

Free Enduringly Yours by Olivia Stocum

Book: Enduringly Yours by Olivia Stocum Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Stocum
temper in front of her.
    Sir Gilburn appeared beside the pavilion, still mounted. He was the last person she wanted to see.
    He pulled off his helm and shook out his dark hair. “My lady? Is all well? I saw you and Peter arguing.”
    She needed to evade him, and quickly. “Naught but a childish squabble, Sir Gilburn. We have been fighting since we were children. I do believe that it has become habitual for us.”
    Gilburn frowned. She knew he needed more of an explanation.
    “John and Peter are like brothers to me,” she said. “John the brother I look up to and can depend on, and Peter the one who forever torments me.”
    Zipporah realized that she had never made a truer statement in her life . . . except for the part about Peter being a brother of any kind to her.
    Gilburn nodded, his face serious. “If Sir Peter is to be allowed anywhere near you, then his behavior needs to change, and soon. I will have him properly chastised. I can think of only one reason for him to behave thusly. I am certain now that he is attracted to you.”
    She shook her head. “That is ridiculous.”
    “I can recall a time when the two of you were far closer than you should have been. I never understood why your father allowed it, but Lord Havendell is my master, and I do not question him.” His looked at her levelly. “I know why Peter vexes you so oft. It is because he is too much of a coward to face his passions like a man.” Gilburn cleared his throat. “Pardon me. I should not be so frank with you. At least not until after we have wed. I will see that Peter is chastised personally.” Gilburn pulled on his helm.
    “But he is John’s knight. Should you not leave it up to him?”
    “Do not fear, my lady. I will take care of everything.” Gilburn trotted away, his heavy black warhorse kicking up turf.
    She wondered if the man made any attempt to listen to her. Zipporah stumbled her way into the stadium and sat. Her mother joined her a moment later, out of breath and rosy-cheeked. “Am I late?”
    “You knew about the Mêlée?”
    “I only just found out.”
    “Well, you have missed out on a lot already. I said something of very poor judgment to Peter and made him angry with me. Gilburn saw us and I had to cover for our actions. Now Gilburn believes that Peter is attracted to me.”
    “He is attracted to you.” 
    Zipporah gritted her teeth.
    “Peter is probably more frustrated than angry.”
    “I am not so sure about that.”
    “I have been married for six and twenty years, and I raised a son.”
    The last thing Zipporah wanted was a lecture. “I do not want to talk about this anymore.”
    “Your young knight wants his woman, and he will be frustrated until he gets her.”
    His woman.
    Zipporah’s gaze found Peter on the field, in full armor, and a tremor rolled through her. Her body was so quick to agree with her mother’s statement. But her heart was much more cautious.
    Lady Havendell pulled her needlepoint out of a satchel.
    “The Mêlée has never been your favorite sport,” Zipporah said.
    “Nay, and for good reason.”
    Zipporah’s father had been fond of it in his youth, and once it had almost cost him his life.
    “Let me know when it is time for you to give John his kiss,” her mother said.
    “How did you know about that? By the saints, does everyone know about these things save me?”
    “One of my knights told me.” She smiled. “Sir Mark asked if it would offend me if he kissed you.”
    “And you said?”
    She shrugged. “Let the best man win.”
    “Why does that not surprise me?”
    “Relax, daughter. We both know it will be John.”
    Another woman might have enjoyed all of this attention. A woman with secrets did not.
    “It will be John,” she said, more for herself than her mother. “He always wins at these events.”
    “Or it could be Peter, and then you will have to kiss him. In front of everyone.” Her mother pressed her needle into fabric.
    Zipporah groaned. “I   would  

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