Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

Free Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka

Book: Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Trim, Tami Julka
Tags: Romance, series, science fiction romance, Warrors
through her slick channel. He rubbed and pinched her clitoris, sending her tumbling into another orgasm.
    Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was screaming his name, over and over. “I’m coming…Elsie,” he groaned as he pumped his seed into her hot, little pussy. His release continued and showed no sign of waning. Pain tore through his back, scorching his skin. He arched and tried to see what it was even while his release continued. Pleasure and pain surrounded him until he knew nothing else.
    “Holy crap, are you still coming? Damn, I love this dream…It’s…oh, shit, I’m going to come again,” Elsie gasped.
    Hell yes, he reached up and cupped her face as he poured everything he had into her and growled against her lips, “Give it to me, give it all to me,” and ground himself against her ass. That was all it took.
    After Goddess only knew how long, their orgasms ended and they collapsed to the bed. He was heavy and probably crushing her, but his body wasn’t moving. He rolled to the side taking her with him, careful to keep from rolling onto his burning back.
    “That was incredible,” he breathed as he traced circles on her arms and kissed her neck. He glanced down and was stunned silent. There was an iridescent Celtic cross behind her left ear. It couldn’t be…
    “Too bad it wasn’t real,” she murmured.
    “What?” he replied too sharply. It had been more real than she realized. Irrevocably real.
    “Dream,” she reminded him. “This is a dream.”
    “Felt more real to me than any encounter I’ve ever had.” His powers slipped away and he woke, sitting in a stupor with his back resting painfully against the evergreen.
    Elsie was his Fated Mate!


    Elsie drove through the entrance to Mt. Pleasant Cemetery with Cailyn to visit Dalton. It was their wedding anniversary and she needed to be close to him. After her erotic dream about Zander the night before, she was racked with guilt. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t real and something she would never allow in real life. She had betrayed Dalton and vowed to never forget. She shut down all thoughts about the countless times the man gave her orgasms in her dream. She would not go there, not today.
    She gazed out the windshield at the beautiful landscaping. Mt. Pleasant was forty acres, located atop a hill in the middle of the historic Queen Anne district in Seattle, and was home to the largest variety of mature trees in any cemetery on the west coast. The sprawl of gravestones interspersed with the trees created a calm and peaceful atmosphere, even though it was a place full of death.
    She parked on the street close to Dalton’s gravesite. All those months ago, she had been guided as if by an invisible hand to this particular spot. The marble headstones were topped with stone angels. Each enormous angel had outstretched, black wings and stood sentry at the entrance to this particular section of the cemetery. She exited her car and waited for her sister. She grabbed the flowers from Cailyn and walked across the sprawling lawn.
    She traced her fingers across one of the exquisite angel’s black wings. Goosebumps raced across her skin. There was leashed energy beneath the stone. She couldn’t explain or describe what she felt, but her sister had agreed. Neither of them understood why certain objects felt different to them, but they had learned at a young age to keep their abilities and odd experiences to themselves. She shook off her brooding. Now, Dalton’s angel stood amongst these powerful protectors.
    “I love these headstones. The first time I saw them, they spoke to me. They reminded me of Dalton and how he looked out, and ultimately gave his life, for those kids.” Her black hole pulsed painfully in her chest. She missed him so much and it was made all the worse today because she had betrayed him.
    She stopped at Dalton’s grave and knelt in the damp grass. She took the flowers and placed them in his vase. “I love you, D.

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