Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga)

Free Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga) by Karen Fuller

Book: Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga) by Karen Fuller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Fuller
the door. I can’t protect you
from the car.”
    As if to reinforce his
words, the Hummer pulled away from the curb and rounded the corner,
disappearing from sight. She was now alone with Drake, and that scared the hell
out of her. With as much resolve as she could muster she looked him squarely in
the eyes. “I’m not inviting you inside. Vampires can’t come into a person’s
home unless they’re invited.” At least she hoped they couldn’t.
    He turned the key in
the lock, pushed open the door, and crossed the threshold. “That’s a myth,
love.” He continued down the hall, checking every corner.
    She stomped her foot in
frustration, then chased after him. “Stop, Drake, I didn’t invite you into my
home. Where do you think you’re going?” She ran up behind him. “You are not
king in my home. This is my castle, not yours.” She reached out, grabbing his
arm to stop him. She knew what she said was childish, but there was no way she
wanted him traipsing about her home like he owned it.
    He paused briefly,
chucking her under the chin. “I am king everywhere, and as such I do not need
your permission.” Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. “And as to where I am
going, I’m making sure the place is secure.” He turned and continued toward her
    She stood rooted to her
spot, dumbfounded. She watched him walk right into her bedroom like he owned
the place. Her mind raced frantically. What
am I gonna do? He’s gotta go, but how? She managed to get her feet to move
then stood in her doorway, watching him investigate everything. Think, think, think…. She turned her
head and spotted her jewelry box. She smiled triumphantly as she marched toward
her dresser.
    Drake caught her
movement and stopped to watch her. She knew he was still watching her as she
turned her back to him. She could feel it like a physical caress. Grabbing the
box, she rummaged through the jewelry, laughing softly to herself. Her fingers
plucked the gold cross and chain from the clutter. Yes, this should do it. Placing the chain around her neck she
turned around and thrust her chest forward, smiling broadly. “See how well you
handle this, sire.”

Chapter Ten

an offer.” His voice was low and
sexy. Her eyes rounded, and his smile broadened at her reaction. He ran his
finger over the cross, then let his fingers drop to
caress her breast. Her nipples pebbled. “Not quite begging, but—”
    “Oh, shit….” She tried
to take a step back but was already wedged against the dresser, so she placed
her palms against his chest to push him away. She had thought she was clever
putting on the cross, but the instant she had uttered the words she saw her
mistake. “I, uh, that’s not what I meant.”
    “Your lovely lips speak
words of denial….” Pulling her to him he brushed his lips lightly over hers.
Her arms relaxed and her body melted into his. He cupped her butt cheeks and pulled
her up against his hard erection. “But your body betrays you. It knows what you
want….” Placing feather soft kisses down her neck, he hovered over the vein
pulsing at the base. Her pulse quickened beneath his tongue as he ran it over
the sweet spot, drawing it into his mouth but not biting. “What you need….” He slid
his hand beneath her skirt; his fingers inched beneath the elastic of her
panties to caress her butt. “What you crave.”
    Sherry couldn’t think.
Her body was in a fervor . The fiery caresses and soft-spoken
words ignited a sudden craving to be his. Need churned in the
pit of her belly, settling in her core, cream soaking her panties. These
new sensations took over and pushed the voice in her head screaming dangerous into the background.
    He knew the instant she
let down her guard and slipped his finger between her soft folds, pumping in
and out of her. She rocked her hips, soaking his hand with her juices. “Oh,
God,” she moaned. “What’s happening to me?”
    “You are discovering
what it means to be a

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