Life Without Limits

Free Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic

Book: Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nick Vujicic
picture better days and to perform actions that will make them real.
    Consider what I was up against as a boy and look at my life now. Who knows what great days and wonderful achievements await you? Who knows how many lives we can make better by serving as someone else’s miracle? So walk with me, the man with no arms and no legs, into a future filled with hope!

Full Assurance in the Heart
    F aith is defined in the Bible as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You and I could not live without faith, without putting our trust in something for which we have no proof. Most often we talk about faith in terms of religious beliefs, but there are many other types of faith that are part of each day. As a Christian, I live according to my belief in God. Even though I can’t see Him or touch Him, I know in my heart that He exists, and I put my future in His hands. I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but because I believe in Him, I know who holds tomorrow.
    That is one form of faith. I have faith in many areas of my life. I accept that there are certain elements I can’t see, touch, or feel, but I believe in them anyway. I trust that oxygen exists, and I trust that science is correct in saying that we need it to survive. I can’t see, touch, or feel oxygen. I just know it is there because
am here. If I am alive, then I must be breathing it, so oxygen must exist, right?
    Just as we must have oxygen to live, we must trust in certain unseen realities to survive. Why? Because we all face challenges. You have them. I have them. There simply are times in our lives when we can’t see a way out, and that is where faith comes in.
    I received an e-mail recently from a woman named Katie who had been laid off from her job because of her medical problems, which have included nearly twenty surgeries. She’d been born without a femur bone in one leg, which had to be amputated when shewas a toddler. Now in her thirties and married, Katie told me she often struggled with the “Why me?” question.
    After watching one of my videos, Katie realized that sometimes we just cannot know “Why me?” We must trust that God’s plan for us will be revealed in time. Until then we must walk in faith.
    “I thank you with all my heart. I now believe that I, like you, am God’s chosen one,” she wrote. “One day I hope I’ll have the honor of meeting you in person to wrap my arms around, hug, and thank you for helping me open my eyes to see the light.”
    Katie found strength and hope only after she decided to trust in what she could not see or understand. That’s exactly how faith works. You will encounter challenges that initially seem insurmountable. While we wait for a solution, faith may be all we have to hang on to, and sometimes simply trusting that there will be an answer will get you through those darkest moments.
    That is why I talk about FAITH as an acronym: F ull A ssurance I n T he H eart. I may not be able to produce evidence for all that I believe in, but I feel fully assured in my heart that I am much closer to the truth by living with faith than I would be by living in despair. When I talk to thousands of schoolchildren each year, I often explore the notion of trusting in what we can’t see. (Sometimes the little ones are a bit frightened of me at first. I don’t know why because we’re always about the same height. I tell them I’m small for my age.)
    I joke with them until they feel comfortable with me. Once they’re accustomed to my lack of limbs, I find most kids are fascinated by my little left foot. I’ll see them pointing or staring, so I wave it at them and make a joke about “my little chicken drumstick.” That always gets a laugh because the description is quite accurate.
    My sister, Michelle, who is six years younger than me, was the first to make that observation. With our brother, Aaron, and ourparents, we often traveled on long family trips in which we three kids were packed

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