Mystery on the Ice

Free Mystery on the Ice by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Book: Mystery on the Ice by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Exciting News
    “Hurry, Benny,” Jessie called from downstairs.
    “I’m hurrying,” six-year-old Benny answered, impatiently slicking down his hair. He wanted to look his best tonight for Joe and Alice Alden, their cousins, who had invited all the Aldens for a surprise celebration. What were they celebrating? He was glad Joe and Alice had moved from Pine Grove to Greenfield. He liked them a lot.
    Violet poked her head in. “Are you ready?” She paused. “You look handsome, Benny.”
    Benny grinned at her as he followed her down the steps. “You look handsome, too, Violet.”
    Jessie, waiting at the bottom of the stairs, said, “Yes, Violet does look pretty .”
    Ten-year-old Violet, in her lavender sweater and jeans, beamed. Jessie, who was twelve, wore a white cotton shirt and a chocolate-brown sweater, which matched her long hair, and brown pants. Watch, their dog, sat by the door. He barked, hoping to go along.
    “Not tonight, Watch,” Violet said, patting his head.
    Struggling into her ski jacket, Jessie said, “Grandfather’s warming up the station wagon.”
    “Where’s Henry?” Benny asked, looking around.
    “In the car with Grandfather,” Jessie replied, pulling the hood of her jacket over her head.
    Benny put on his down jacket and pulled on his mittens. “I want to see what Joe and Alice are celebrating, don’t you?”
    “Yes!” Violet said. “It sounds like a surprise and I like surprises.”
    Jessie laughed, opening the door. “So do I.” It was odd that Grandfather didn’t act as if he was going to be surprised. Every time they mentioned the dinner at Joe and Alice’s, he just gave a knowing little smile. She was certain he knew what was going on.
    Benny ran down the walk, which was heaped with snow on either side. He’d helped Henry shovel this morning. He jumped into the backseat. “We’re all together and we’re off to a celebration!” he shouted, sitting next to Jessie.
    Grandfather glanced back at his grandson. “That’s right, Benny.” He smiled, pleased that his grandchildren always got along with one another so well.
    The car wheels crunched over the packed snow on the short drive through town. Benny watched wide-eyed as they passed sparkling windows filled with toys. In the town square a huge Christmas tree towered, gleaming with red and green lights. Next to the tree stood a giant menorah, its candles casting light over the glistening snow.
    When they reached the edge of Greenfield where Joe and Alice lived, fluffy snowflakes had started to drift onto the ground.
    “Good weather for ice skating,” Jessie said.
    “Better weather for hockey,” Henry teased, his eyes sparkling. He knew, though, that Jessie was the best and most graceful skater of them all.
    “Here we are, children,” Grandfather said, parking before an old, gray-shingled, three-story house. Tiny white lights twinkled on a pine tree on the spacious lawn.
    “Doesn’t the house look beautiful?” Violet said. “It’s very different from the way it was when Joe and Alice first bought it.” She giggled. “Remember Joe’s foot breaking through the porch step?”
    Henry got out, opening the back car door for Benny and the girls. “We did a lot of work on the old Roth house before Joe and Alice moved in,” he said.
    “We sure did! And remember we thought the house was haunted,” Benny said, running alongside Henry on the way to the front door. Lifting the eagle door knocker, which was framed by a large evergreen wreath, Benny waited. He stomped first one booted foot, then another.
    “You children have cleaned many places,” Grandfather said. “The deserted library and …”
    “The old motel,” Violet added. “But each place was different. It’s fun to see the before and after.”
    “Don’t forget we stayed by ourselves in the boxcar,” Henry said. “Remember, we ran away, so we wouldn’t have to live with a grandfather we’d never known.” He paused, smiling. “We

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