The Vampire Blog

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Book: The Vampire Blog by Pete Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pete Johnson
guessed that. I mean, the so-called vampire jab gave me no choice, did it?’
    â€˜It speeded up things, yes,’ said Dad.
    â€˜But what is the craving?’ asked Mum.
    â€˜Would you believe blood ? Sorry I can’t be more original.’ Then I filled them in on the day’s grisly events. And when I finishedneither of them could stop these little smiles breaking out on their faces.
    â€˜So tell me,’ I said, ‘when does my next blood craving kick in? Or is that to be a wonderful surprise?’
    â€˜You usually get really intense cravings about twice a day,’ said Mum.
    â€˜You say this like it’s a good thing,’ I said.
    â€˜It is,’ said Mum quietly.
    â€˜Mum, I’m drinking blood. I’m a gory freak.’
    â€˜No,’ Mum and Dad protested together.
    â€˜Oh, I know for you two it’s a sign I’m the chosen one, and the more blood I slurp, the prouder you’ll be. But I’m hating every disgusting second. So how long will all this fun go on for anyway?
    â€˜Only usually about three or four days,’ said Mum. ‘And don’t worry, we’ll look after you.’ Her voice was all soft and concerned, but she couldn’t stop another smile from forming. A smile of victory, I thought angrily. I was turning into one of them.
    â€˜So does this craving mean I’m now officially a half-vampire?’
    â€˜Oh, no,’ said Dad. ‘You’ve got lots to do yet.’
    â€˜Will you be giving me another jab for that, then?’ I asked.
    â€˜No,’ said Dad firmly. ‘No more jabs. The rest of the transformation into a half-vampire has to come from you.’
    So that was one little bit of good news, I suppose.
    7.05 p.m.
    Just had an almost raw steak, swimming in blood, all of which I lapped up. I tell you, when you’re drinking blood it just glides down your throat so effortlessly. I suppose there’s a very faint blackcurrant flavour, but it’s stronger and much juicer than that. And it’s very, very more-ish. No, really … I guess you’re just going to have to trust me on this one.
    After I’d finished I gave a little contented sigh and Mum said proudly, ‘Well, that should keep you ticking over for a while.’
    7.45 p.m.
    Ticking over as a half-vampire. Now the revulsion is kicking in again as I realize I’m turning into something that just isn’t me.
    9.30 p.m.
    Dad said he’s very proud of me today. For what, exactly? Gulping down blood?
    10.40 p.m.
    My parents haven’t won yet. I can still stop this.
    â€˜I don’t want to be a half-vampire. I don’t want to be a half-vampire.’ Never have I said this more urgently.
    Tuesday 16 October
7.50 a.m.
    My parents told me I needn’t go to school today – give my cravings a chance to settle down. But I didn’t want to stay here all day. So I turned down their kind offer.
    11.45 a.m.
    Nearly lunch time – most people are starting to think about food. But I can only think of one thing: blood.
    12.05 p.m.
    Feeling dizzy with craving now. In fact, I canhardly even hear what anyone is saying. I shall have to slip out of school and get blood from somewhere.
    12.15 p.m.
    Lunch time and a message from Mum. She wants to see me urgently in reception.
    12.25 p.m.
    Mum sees me and calls out loudly, ‘You silly boy, you went off today without your lunch box.’ Actually I don’t have a lunch box, but I gabble thanks, and then tear off to the back field.
    Insidethere are steaksandwiches absolutely bursting with blood. I pile them into my mouth, letting the blood ooze down my throat. Never has anything tasted better in my whole life.
    Wednesday 17 October
12.30 p.m.
    Just had another blood craving. But today I had a fresh supply of blood sandwiches in my tuck box.
    Blood sandwiches – I tell you, you just can’t beat them.
    1.05 p.m.
    But as soon as the craving is over I hate myself;

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