The Vampire Blog

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Book: The Vampire Blog by Pete Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pete Johnson
even though it’s not really me acting like this. It’s as if I’ve been put under a spell.
    4.15 p.m.
    After school, Joel said all mysteriously, ‘Don’t go home just yet.’ He led me down this little alleyway near our school. Tallulah was waiting for me and looking so serious I just wanted to laugh.
    She handed me a folded-up card. ‘This tells you where we’re meeting tomorrow. After you’ve read it—’
    â€˜Eat it,’ I interrupted.
    â€˜Are you going to keep being stupid?’ she snapped.
    â€˜Probably, yeah,’ I said.
    â€˜If you don’t take it seriously,’ she said, ‘you’ll be chucked out of M.I.S. before you’ve even joined and have to go back to your very boring, very dull life.’
    Now, my life is a lot of things right at the moment, but very boring and very dull definitely aren’t two of them. I didn’t argue though; instead I said very respectfully, ‘So to check, I don’t eat the card.’
    â€˜No, you just destroy it,’ she snapped.
    â€˜Before or after I’ve read it?’ I asked.
    â€˜I thought you were trying to be sensible,’ she sighed.
    â€˜And he is,’ cut in Joel.
    â€˜Just one more question,’ I said. ‘Wouldn’t it have been easier if Joel had just told me where we were meeting?’
    â€˜No, it wouldn’t,’ she practically shouted. And Joel shook his head at me in a ‘Do keep your mouth shut’ sort of way. Tallulah continued, ‘That card also contains tonight’s password, and of course no one will be admitted who’s not wearing a monster mask.’
    â€˜Now that could be a little problem,’ I said, ‘as I haven’t got any masks at home.’
    She stared at me as if I’d just said I hadn’t got a bed in my house. ‘Joel, sort him out, will you?’ Then she added, ‘And I hope your horror story is very scary. Otherwise you’ll have no chance of ever joining M.I.S.’
    Then she was gone and Joel said, ‘Do you want to try your horror story on me?’
    â€˜I would,’ I replied, ‘but I haven’t thought one up yet.’
    Thursday 18 October
5.30 p.m.
    Dear blog, please read the next few lines and then immediately eat them. For here are the top-secret details of the M.I.S. meeting.
    It’s at the cricket pavilion (wonder how Tallulah got us in there) at 8.00 p.m. and tonight’s secret knock is – three knocks very fast. The password is: ‘I’m a blood-sucking maniac.’ That should make me feel right at home!
    See you there.
    6.10 p.m.
    Do you know who can wind me up more than anyone else, yeah, even more than Karl? MY PARENTS. You won’t believe what they’ve just said now.
    I mentioned to them, ever so casually, that I was going out tonight. Dad immediatelysaid, ‘What about your homework?’
    â€˜Oh, didn’t you hear?’ I replied, ‘I’m not allowed to do homework on account of me having a photographic memory. The teachers say it really puts the other pupils off.’ Mum and Dad actually smiled at this and I added, ‘Honestly, I really have done all my homework tonight,’ and got up to get ready.
    Then Dad said, ‘I’m sorry, but we still don’t want you going out tonight. It’s too risky.’
    â€˜I’ll be home by ten o’clock though – maybe earlier, if Tallulah chucks me out of Monsters in School – and you liked me joining this.’
    â€˜No, I’m sorry,’ said Dad again. ‘It’s totally out of the question. You’re not going out right now.’
    Well, I got really angry then and said, ‘I’ve had a totally miserable time lately, what with growing fangs and slurping up blood and putting up with Cousin Karl – and all because of your lousy genetics. But now I just want to go out for a couple of hours with my mates and you won’t

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