Far Too Tempted

Free Far Too Tempted by Emma Wildes

Book: Far Too Tempted by Emma Wildes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Wildes
an inward groan. Compromise her reputation, no. Whatever his noble intentions, he had some powerful doubts anyone else would believe the story.
    He needed to think, but his head felt full of cobwebs. Alex stared at Jessica’s sleeping form and tried to analyze the disastrous situation. True, they’d spent the night together, but also true, they were both fully clothed, and the staff he’d hired was new and had just come from London. It was possible to keep it quiet.
    Wasn’t it?
    He left the room and went downstairs.
    The very correct elderly butler he had hired the week before met him halfway across the vast and empty main hall. Inclining his white head, Higgins said regally, “Good afternoon, Colonel. I trust your journey here went as smoothly as my own. We were able to arrive early and have begun unpacking. Cook prepared a cold luncheon, but as you were still sleeping, she felt she could not do otherwise than send up some hot tea.”
    Knowing he was disheveled, unshaven and had slept until well past noon, Alex grimaced and rubbed the stubble on his chin. In fact, the older man, in his perfectly pressed and tailored clothes, made him a little self-conscious. “Actually, food sounds marvelous but I would like to bathe and change first.”
    “I’ll have hot water sent up directly.”
    “If the staff needs anything, obtain it either from Grayston or the village. I was unprepared for the condition of the house. I hope the rooms at the back of the house are still furnished.”
    “They are, sir, and quite nicely. The staff will be comfortable. And Cook says she can make do very well in the kitchen. It looks like only the contents of the family apartments and main rooms are missing.”
    “Good.” Well, that was a relief anyway. “I appreciate your efficiency, Higgins.”
    “Yes, sir. Of course. Please depend on me.”
    Alex turned away toward the stairs. Maybe everything would be all right if he woke Jessica quickly and could get her over to Grayston with all due speed. Ariel would know how to handle the mess, she was extremely diplomatic—she had to be, married to his brother—and as a duchess wielded considerable social power.
    Higgins cleared his throat. “Sir?”
    Foot on the first step, Alex looked over in question.
    “I took the liberty of having one of the footmen bring in the young lady’s trunk. It was still sitting outside.”
    Alex stared. Her trunk. Of course she’d have one. Jessica must have had to carry it herself all the way from the village. He felt a fresh surge of rage against Robert.
    Higgins lifted his white brows very slightly. “Would you like it brought up to your bedroom, sir?”
    Off-balance, he wasn’t prepared to answer the question. Especially as it was phrased, so delicately . Hell. Alex opened his mouth, closed it, and then swallowed. She would want to change, of course. He could hardly drag her off to Grayston in rumpled slept-in clothes without allowing her the chance to freshen herself. Her world was awful enough.
    “That would be fine,” he said as casually as possible, “but the lady won’t be staying.”
    “No?” Higgins looked impassive. “Very well, sir.”
    Her stomach rumbled, overriding her desire to sleep forever. Jessica sat up, shoved her disheveled hair out of her eyes and looked at the tray by the side of the bed.
    The soft fragrance of cinnamon and currants drifted to her nose.
    And she was so very hungry.
    She reached for a scone, pinched off a corner and put it into her mouth. It was flaky and warm and utterly delicious.
    She ate the rest of it with unladylike haste. And then a second, this one heaped with sweet cream. Finally, she poured herself a cup of tea.
    Alex had either gone to Grayston for this, or he had managed to find some food in the kitchen. The second possibility, she realized as she blissfully sipped her steaming tea, was unlikely. The tea was marvelous, perfectly made, and the scones had been wonderful. Picturing

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