belching up my bird and reminding me of my colossal failures. Ghost slept at the foot of my bed and Frankenstein slept on the rug next to my bed. They were my protectors and I slept better knowing they were there with me.
“When I turned thirteen Ralph started with the physical attacks, no longer satisfied with the verbal and mental abuse, I guessed. And my first encounter with his wrath was brutal. I had been out late after school with some friends, and because I didn’t want them seeing where I lived, I walked the long way home. I arrived home around 10 pm. I was very quiet, hoping maybe no one would know. The house was dark as I headed for my room.
“I don’t know where he had been but suddenly Ralph was behind me. He had taken off his belt and was holding it with the buckle dangling to the floor. I didn’t even know he was there until I heard the whistle of the leather cutting through the air. By then, however; it was too late. The buckle caught me in the back about mid-way up on the left side. I fell to the floor gasping for breath. He took the buckle into his palm and commenced slapping the strap across my back and legs. I still hadn’t recovered from the buckle when the barrage began. When I gained my breath I started screaming.
“‘If your curfew is nine pm then you should be stepping through that door at nine pm; not nine fifteen, and definitely not ten. Do I…’ another slap of the belt. ‘Make myself…’ Another. ‘Clear, boy?’
“I was crying and tears were streaming down my face, but I could see my mother cringing in the doorway to their bedroom. Outside, the dogs were barking and frantically trying to get in and see what was happening.
“‘Do I?’ he asked, huffing and red faced.
“I was in too much pain to speak so I just nodded. This seemed to be enough because he walked away without further behavior modification. He brushed past my mother and went into the bedroom. My mother stared for a moment longer with a half sad, half angry look on her face as if this was my fault. When my tear-filled, puffy eyes did not turn away from her, she walked away. I staggered to my feet and walked to the back door where the dogs were still trying to get in. They knew I was upset and were visibly concerned about me. Ghost was at my side like a four-legged bodyguard and Frankie was whining and sniffing my leg, looking for the source of my distress.
“The next day, I checked my back in the bathroom mirror. There was a grapefruit sized red mark on my back and in the center of that was a black bruise in the shape of a square belt buckle. There were some welts on my arms and a few scratches here and there, but almost everything could be covered up.
“I was a natural at math and science and English, and I made lots of money doing homework for other kids. As I made my transactions in the hall, I wondered if any of them were aware of my stiffness and pain. No one suspected anything, but then why would they? As far as they knew everything was fine for me. When my friend Tim Warner sneaked up behind me and poked me in the ribs, I gasped in fear and pain.
“‘What’s up with that?’ he said and tried to poke me again. I instinctively protected my back. He could tell there was something I was hiding. ‘What did you do to yourself?’ he asked trying to lift my shirt.
“‘Cut it out, fag,’ I said and he backed off.
“‘What’s up with you and Darlene?’ he asked, changing the subject. I would almost rather tell him about my abuse.
“‘What do you mean?’ I asked.
“‘She said you were dissing her all night.’
“‘I wasn’t dissing her,’ I said defensively. ‘Not on purpose.’
“‘Anyway, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to a Phillies game with me and my dad in a few weeks. We have an extra ticket and I thought I’d ask you if you wanted to go.’ I watched him as his eyes caught Rachael at the other end of the hall. He followed her as she walked toward us. ‘Hi,