The Element of Death (The Final Formula Series, Book 1.5)

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Book: The Element of Death (The Final Formula Series, Book 1.5) by Becca Andre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Andre
his attention on Rowan, but his mouth curled into a sad smile. “That’s a bit more restraint than I’d expect from him at that moment.”
    James frowned, remembering how hard Addie’s betrayal had hit him. He hadn’t looked beyond his own feelings. He’d been so hurt that it never occurred to him that he wasn’t the only one. He remembered the way Rowan had fought when Gertrude delved into his memories and got too close to Addie.
    “He loved her,” James whispered. “Addie, I mean.”
    “Yes. I’ve never seen him fall that hard.”
    James released a breath, aware of how it shook. “I loved her, too.”
    Donovan laid a hand on his shoulder. “I know.”
    “I never…knew love, before. I—” God, he sounded pathetic. But he wanted to confess, to let it all out. “She didn’t care that I was dead. She, she…”
    “Loved you, too.”
    “Like a brother.”
    James bowed his head. Donovan had seen it, why hadn’t he? He felt he should say something. Instead, he just sat there, naked and pathetic, kneeling beside the man he’d nearly killed.
    Donovan looped a thick arm around his shoulders. “Come on, let’s go home.”
    “The manor. Rowan said he gave you a job.”
    “I didn’t realize that included room and board.”
    “Of course it does. Besides, Era has a closet full of clothing waiting for you. Good thing, since you’re so hard on them.” Donovan patted his shoulder and released him.
    Movement out of the corner of his eye, and James turned to find the burned man watching him. “Winters is gone. You don’t need to threaten me.”
    “What?” Donovan asked.
    James held up a finger, asking him to wait.
    I wished to thank you…and apologize. The burned man’s voice rasped in his mind.
    “I accept. Do you want me to take you across?”
    I know the way.
    “You chose to remain,” James concluded. “To keep him contained.”
    I did not wish to see him rise and use my magic for ill once more.
    “Your magic? You were a medium? Then what was Winters?”
    An alchemist. A pause, and the burned man faded away.
    “James?” Donovan asked, a note of concern in his voice. “Who are you talking to?”
    James met Donovan’s worried frown. “I see souls, the living and the dead.”
    “Disturbing, I know.” The truck door slammed and James knew Era was returning. “Still want me as a guard dog?”
    The corner of Donovan’s mouth kicked up, and a flash of teeth showed through his beard. “Hell, yes.”
    James smiled as well, then became the dog.
    J ames leaned his shoulder against the tall gray obelisk and crossed his arms. “Like this?”
    “Perfect!” Era adjusted the lens of her camera and snapped another picture. “Just a few more.”
    James obliged her, wondering what the couple walking along the headstones a short distance away must think of them. Maybe they’d think Era was shooting a few shots of some ancestor’s grave. Good thing they didn’t know she had close to a hundred similar photos taken throughout the cemetery on her camera.
    “Got it!” Era pulled the camera away from her face and started toward him, scrolling through the photos she’d taken.
    James straightened. “Get anything?”
    She stopped before him, clicking through a few more pictures. “No.” She gave the monument a frown. “It was supposed to be haunted. They say the eyes are real and they follow you.”
    James studied the bronze bust of a man mounted halfway up the side of the obelisk. The eyes were glass, and he had to admit the effect was unsettling, but the hound saw no spirits.
    “Creepy,” he said. “Do you think we’d have better luck at dusk?”
    Era’s eyes widened in barely held excitement. “Yes, but three a.m. would be best. That’s the witching hour.” Her voice dropped to a whisper on the last part.
    James smiled, amusement and sadness warring to be the dominant emotion. “Rowan wouldn’t want you out so late.”
    “We could

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