The Element of Death (The Final Formula Series, Book 1.5)

Free The Element of Death (The Final Formula Series, Book 1.5) by Becca Andre

Book: The Element of Death (The Final Formula Series, Book 1.5) by Becca Andre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Andre
shifted form and dropped to all fours. Maybe he could scare Winters into leaving Era. He pulled open the portal.
    Winters glanced over his shoulder. “What are you doing?”
    James lifted his lips and growled.
    No! A shimmer in the air, and suddenly Gertrude stood before him. James didn’t hesitate. He sprang, catching Gertrude in his jaws before slamming into Era. She stumbled into the open portal, and James jumped through after her. He released Gertrude once inside, then reached back to catch the portal before it winked closed.
    Era landed on her butt, her wide eyes still shining with a crazed light. Winters hadn’t left her. Damn it. Did James need to let the portal close?
    You’ve been busy , Gavin commented.
    James ignored him, enjoying the terrified expression on Gertrude’s face as she took in his nightmare form. Welcome to hell. James smiled, exposing his teeth. She took a hasty step back.
    Not exactly , Gavin said, his tone almost cheerful.
    “Can’t take me. Won’t work,” Winters whispered.
    If it won’t work, then why are you so scared? James asked.
    Edgar? Panic painted Gertrude’s voice.
    James glanced over and was surprised to find Gertrude as solid as Gavin in this place.
    Edgar, what’s happening?! A dark cloud seemed to be forming around her feet, rising slowly up her body.
    “Gertie, go!” Winters cried.
    She turned and ran for the portal James still held open with one hand. Out of fear for Era, he didn’t dare let it go. Instead, he lashed out, raking his claws across Gertrude’s stomach. She screamed and stumbled back, the rips in her uniform and flesh growing as he watched.
    Edgar! A dark mist-like substance began to ooze from her wounds, clinging to her clean white uniform.
    Winters pushed Era to her feet, then ran for the portal.
    James caught him by the upper arm, careful not to drive his claws into Era’s slim biceps. I guess self-preservation trumps true love .
    Winters whimpered in his hold, trying to pull free.
    Drive him out, little brother . Gavin lifted a hand, rolling his fingers so the light glinted off his ebony claws.
    James remembered how Gavin had clawed Rowan’s back to extract Winters. Could he do that to Era? She trusted him. Rowan trusted him.
    Shall I? Gavin offered.
    James looked down at the girl he held and snarled at the thought of Gavin ripping into Era’s flesh. He couldn’t see any other way, but he knew he had to do it himself.
    I’m sorry , James whispered. Not letting himself think about what he did, he dug in his claws.
    Era screamed and James released her. She dropped to the ground at his feet, but his gaze caught on his hand and the glittering mist that clung to his fingers. He flicked it aside, but it flew only a few feet before reforming into the shape of a man. He grew more solid and James recognized the man from the vision: Dr. Edgar Winters.
    Gertrude cried out and threw herself into his arms. As if on cue, darkness began to envelop Winters’ form as if it oozed from his pores.
    Then they started to scream.
    James laid his ears flat, snarling against the fear that wanted to send him fleeing back to the mortal world.
    Ooo, bad ones , Gavin said. His ears were pricked forward, and he watched the darkness consume the pair with eager interest.
    Seconds later, they were gone.
    What was that? James asked. He had ripped three souls in the past, but those had simply faded away when he brought them here.
    I’d say you chose well.
    “James?” Era’s voice sounded small in the dimness. “My arm hurts.” In the dim glow from the cremator, she held her upper arm, her wide eyes staring up at him.
    I scratched you. I’m sorry.
    “Are you a werewolf?” She continued to stare up at him, looking more fascinated than scared.
    Something like that. Step through and I’ll tell you more.
    “Okay.” She did as he asked.
    James jumped out after her, landing on four paws.
    “And now you’re the dog.” She smiled and reached out to rub his head.

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