
Free Temptation by Raven McAllan

Book: Temptation by Raven McAllan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven McAllan
Tags: Romance
She bit her lip. “I’m sick of this place. I want to go home. Like now.” She glared at them all. As she reached Marloth, she did her best to clench her hands into fists and show she was itching to use them. Semper laughed.
    “I don’t think you’re flavor of the month, mate.”
    “Semper.” The one word from the last man on the boat made Semper redden, and scowl. “Okay, boss.” The tone was surly and not at all subservient.
    “Exactly,” Christophe said in an even do-not-mess-with-me tone. “You’ll do well to remember that. Now get up top and help me guide this in.” He turned back to the wheel, after a brief wink at Meryl. She wondered about that wink. Was it a ‘good for you he is an asshole wink’ or something more? She had no way of finding out, so she sank back onto the cushioned seat and ignored them all. She really did feel sick and her head spun.
    The boat rocked and she swallowed hard. “How much longer? I’m going to throw up. And no, don’t you come near me.” It almost killed her to say it, and only the knowledge that Marloth wanted this kept her going. Surely, it would be easier once she was well away from him?
    “We’ve docked.” Christophe’s calm tones soothed her. “Let’s get you off and onto dry land. Your sister is waiting for you.”
    Oh lord, she’d forgotten Mia. Meryl nodded and let him help her off the boat and onto the grass that edged the dock. One look at Mia and she didn’t need to act. She burst into tears and let Mia cuddle her. As much as she hated lying to her sister, Meryl knew Mia was so open she’d never be able to keep up the act that was needed. Mia’s muttered threats of cutting off balls gave her a few pangs. However, she rather thought the way the man at her sister’s side stroked her shoulder and looked at her with concern and something more would keep Mia from doing anything excessive. Mind you, she hoped he’d hide the scissors until her sister calmed down.
    * * * * *
    Later, as she washed the salt out of her hair, Meryl pondered about the last few hours. She thought they’d done everything they needed, but how could she tell? It was all well and good Marloth being able to read her, but it seemed she was going to be kept in the dark as to where they were in their conspiracy. She rinsed the shampoo away and added conditioner. There was no point whatsoever in worrying about things she couldn’t control. She’d be better to concentrate on what she could, and put the next part of their plan into action. She knew she had to wait a while and it wasn’t going to be easy.
    As she sat on the edge of the bed and toweled her hair, Meryl let the details of the day flood her. Her body tingled as she remembered Marloth’s touch, and her juices gathered at the thought of how she’d responded. With a wry smile, she picked up her hairbrush. The memories might have to serve her well for goodness how long. Meanwhile, she was going to have to act upset, and refuse to leave her room until the time was right to start the next step in the plan she and Marloth had decided upon.
    Her tummy rumbled and she grinned as she remembered what had happened the last time it had done that very thing. Well, now was the time to feed the body, seeing as she wasn’t going to be able to feed her soul, unless she did it all by herself. That would likely happen, but not there and not then. Meryl grabbed the room service menu and decided on her meal. If she was staying in her own space for twenty-four hours or so, then she might as well sample as many different foods as possible, take advantage of her pool, and try to get a tan before she went back to damp, dreich, Glasgow.
    She did, and by the time the following evening came around, she felt cossetted and pampered. Of course, she hadn’t seen hair or pelt of Marloth, but she knew he watched over her. How she understood that, she had no idea. Was it the way a shadow passed just outside her security lights? Or the rose she found

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