Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane)

Free Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane) by Eva Gordon

Book: Apocalyptic Moon (After the Bane) by Eva Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Gordon
Tags: Paranormal
his bacon and winked at her. “Not sexually, but yes mentally, we can stop communicating.”
    Mortified, at his teasing, she flushed from head to toe . “How?”
    “Just quit sending.”
    She frowned at him . “Okay, and quit calling me babe!” She bit her lip and imagined turning off the television. It must have worked because the Dirk channel went dead.
    Mansfield laughed. “No need to blush, Dr. Adler. You and the werewolf will not be mating in the traditional way. I plan to collect your ova and his semen. Best to keep it in-vitro fertilization. I wouldn’t want the bull to harm the cow.”
    Dirk growled. “Get near my cock and I’ll break your neck.”
    Mansfield curled a smile. “I have no doubt about that. We’ll perform the surgery while you’re sedated with enough wolfsbane to knock out an entire pack.”
    Dirk threw her a caddish look. “She’s hot, why don’t you let me do her the old-fashioned way?”
    Dora frowned. “Keep his paws away from me.”
    Mansfield tapped his chart. “Don’t worry, my illustrious Dr. Adler. No time for doggie style. We need to make as many embryos as possible. I think triplets would be a good start.”
    Big and pregnant, how would she outrun zombies, eager for human veal? “You can’t do this. I have rights!”
    “My dear Dr. Adler, do you really think you’ll be able to contact your local congressman about your ill treatment or PETA about the werewolf’s?”
    “It would be a start.”
    “Even the president just turned zombie, I doubt you’ll find anyone who would give a damn about your rights. Especially if it means the continuation of mankind. I’ll come get you later this afternoon. We need to start you on hormones.” He turned and left.
    Dora picked up her plastic cup of OJ and threw it against the glass. She clenched her fist. “Ass!” She wanted so badly to be a wicked witch and turn him into a zombie toad.
    Dirk cracked an amused smile. “Doc, you have a werewolf’s temper.” He whispered, “Let me in.”
    “Can you hear me?”
    “Loud and clear.” He winked again in that I’m a big naughty wolf way.
    “We need to get the hell out of here and soon.”
    “No kidding.” He gripped his collar. “But I’m incapacitated. You’ll need to get the gleipnir remote from Mansfield.”
    “How? My new powers are only good for making plants bloom.”
    “When he picks you up.”
    “I’m not going to let him shoot me up with hormones.”
    “Of course, you’re not. I won’t let anybody hurt you anymore.” He met her eyes with his sharp penetrating gold-speckled blue ones. “I promise.”
    His sincerity warmed her. He needed to protect as much as she needed a crusader. Her eyes widened. Jeez. She picked up on his steamy thoughts. An ass he couldn’t wait to nibble? Her cheeks burned. Holy hell! If only she could filter out their inner thoughts from their telepathic conversation. She squirmed and glowed in his strong attraction to her, but immediately switched him off. God knows, she felt just as drawn to him. She mustn’t go there and encourage his ‘hey babe’ wolfish flirting. As soon as they broke free, she’d look for Josh and Mel and he’d return to his pack. End of story.
    He tilted his head to the side, his brows arched in confusion.
    Focus on escape only! She turned him back on and smiled, enjoying her new power.
    “Good. Doc, we need to make plans.”
    Of course. “ With the access code to the doors we can leave this room but I’m sure they use a retinal scanner to get into the other labs and perhaps to the outside exits.”
    “Let me worry about getting an eyeball.”
    She squirmed in horror at the thought of him ripping out someone’s eye . Kind of went against her ‘do no harm’ physician’s oath. “Let’s keep that as an ‘as needed’ basis.”
    He chuckled . “Sure, Doc.”
    “Good. If you can fight them off, we might just escape.”
    His jaw tensed slightly. “Not without freeing me of the collar.”

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