Edmund Bertram's Diary
she had had enough and she reluctantly dismounted.
    ‘You seem formed for a horsewoman,’ I said to her as I escorted her back into the Parsonage.
    ‘And for a musician,’ she said, glancing at the harp. ‘If you wil but give me a moment to change out of my habit, I wil play for you.’
    ‘I should be getting back to the house. Fanny wil be wanting her mare.’
    ‘Cannot the groom take her back? I feel I cannot let you go without a reward for your efforts. Do not make me shame myself by taking so much from you without giving you something in return.’
    I could not resist her and, having instructed the groom to take the mare back to the Park, I awaited her in the sitting-room. Mrs. Grant sat with me whilst I waited, tel ing me how pleased she was with her brother and sister, and before long Miss Crawford returned, to entertain me with her playing. I do not know whether it was the liquid notes of the harp or the graceful movement of her white arms across the strings that enthral ed me most but I was held captive, and I felt that I had never spent a pleasanter morning in my life.

    Monday 1 August
    Miss Crawford made even better progress this morning than she did on Friday, and delighted me with her daring.
    ‘This is wonderful!’ she said, as she walked the mare about the stable yard. ‘Why have I never done this before?’
    ‘Because you have lived in town, and there it is not so easy to learn.’
    ‘But here, with you, it is simple,’ she said, giving me a smile. ‘I am beginning to think a country life is the life for me after al . To spend my time in the open air, in country pursuits, is becoming the ideal for me, whereas a few months ago the thought of it fil ed me with horror. What, to live amongst green fields with no shops or theatres to entertain me? But then I did not know what pure entertainment could come from simply living.’
    I felt she had been in the saddle long enough, and was about to help her dismount when she said she wanted to try her skil s beyond the stable yard. She was playful yet determined, and at last I gave in. Mrs. Grant, coming into the stables at that moment, proposed that we made a party of it, and before long Dr and Mrs. Grant, Crawford, Miss Crawford and I ventured into the meadow, escorted by our grooms.
    We were about to walk round the meadow when Crawford suggested that, if I would escort his sister, the rest of the party would watch her and see how she did.
    ‘We can observe her much better if we are not too close to her,’ he said. The others were agreeable and Miss Crawford and I set off round the meadow together. To begin with we went at a walking pace but then she said, ‘This is so tame! Why do we not go faster?’
    And with that she began to canter. She had a good seat and sat with her back straight and her head held high. Her veil was blowing behind her in the wind and a lock of her hair fel clear of its pins and blew about her face. It drew my eye, and I was not sorry when I had to cal her to a halt and show her how to manage the bridle.
    ‘But there is Miss Price,’ she said, with an effort glancing towards the Park. ‘I have been very remiss. I have enjoyed myself so much I had quite forgotten her. Take me to her, if you please, so that I can apologize to her for keeping her from her exercise.’
    I walked beside her, through the gate and into the lane, and we saw Fanny coming to meet us. I felt I had not behaved as I ought, for I had forgotten Fanny entirely whilst I had been with Miss Crawford, but Miss Crawford apologized so prettily that Fanny could not help but be satisfied.
    ‘I give way to you with a very bad grace,’ said Miss Crawford. ‘But I sincerely hope you wil have a pleasant ride, and that I may have nothing but good to hear of this dear delightful animal.’
    I helped her to spring down and then the old coachman lifted Fanny up on to the horse and they set off together.
    Maria and Julia were delighted to discover that their new

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