A Love for All Seasons

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Book: A Love for All Seasons by Bettye Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bettye Griffin
her breath. “No!”
    â€œYes. People do get born on Christmas Eve, you know.”
    â€œI know. I’m one of them.”
    His head jerked. “Really? I don’t think I’ve met three people my whole life who shared my birthday.”
    â€œI only knew one person, someone from school. How old will you be?”
    â€œI’ll be thirty-five.” Her face brightened. “Have you made any plans for that day?”
    â€œNot yet. It’s still early.”
    â€œWhy don’t we plan on spending it together?”
    He broke into a grin. “It’s a date.”
    He opened the door for her as they left, then linked his arm with hers. “Now I’m thinking that I should have insisted on picking you up instead of having you meet me,” he said. “I don’t like the thought of you going home alone.” She seemed steady on her feet, and she spoke clearly and distinctly, but that didn’t change the fact that she’d had at least three glasses of wine. He didn’t want her going out and getting into an accident.
    â€œI’ll be fine, Jack. I only have to drive maybe ten miles.”
    â€œI’d like you to call me when you get back to your mother’s.”
    â€œI will. This is me.” They stopped in front of a red Solara convertible. Alicia clicked her remote control, and the lights flashed for a second, indicating unlocking doors.
    â€œNice ride.” Jack began to feel a little nervous. When he suggested she might want to meet him he didn’t consider the awkwardness of saying good night in a public parking lot. He’d been so anxious for her to agree to go out with him, he hadn’t wanted to provide her with any outs. Fortunately, like him she self-parked instead of using the valet. The last thing he wanted now was an audience.
    â€œI’ve been happy with it. I keep it at the house so I don’t have to deal with the hassle of parking in the city.” She turned to him and grasped his forearm through his suit coat. “I had a nice time, Jack.”
    In an instant he moved in, placing his hands on her shoulders and pulling her to him. He couldn’t kiss her the way he wanted to, not here where other patrons might see them, but he just had to get even a quick taste of those luscious berry red lips. He raised his right hand to cup her jaw and raised her face to his, then quickly pressed his lips to hers, running his tongue over them for an instant before pulling away. Her skin felt soft and warm to his fingertips. He could caress it infinitely.
    Reluctantly he let his hand fall to his sides. “So did I, but next time I’ll definitely call for you.” That meant he could bring her home…and kiss her properly.
    He held the car door open while she seated herself behind the wheel. She started the engine and lowered the window. “I promise I’ll call you when I get in. I’ve got your number on my caller ID. But you should really get to your car and out of this cold.”
    â€œAll right. Drive carefully.”
    He returned the wave she gave him before driving away, then stood watching as the Solara went out to the main road before turning to walk toward his own vehicle.
    He’d just eaten a full meal, but he was still hungry.
    Just not for food.

Chapter 10
    A licia’s hands trembled on the steering wheel. She flicked on the heat, but her jitteriness didn’t come from being cold, and she turned it off.
    It came from the feel of Jack Devlin’s strong hands on her shoulders, drawing her close to him. It came from his long fingers on the side of her face, warming her cheek and making contact with that sensitive spot behind her earlobe…and it came from his insistent lips and moist tongue against her mouth.
    No doubt about it. The man was dangerous. She knew all about sexual exhilaration, but Jack represented something else, something deeper,

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