A Love for All Seasons

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Book: A Love for All Seasons by Bettye Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bettye Griffin
sisters lives in Memphis, and I have a brother in Houston.”
    â€œDo you have a large family?”
    â€œWe were seven. I’ve got two sisters and two brothers. I’m the second oldest child and the oldest boy. My father was a postman, and my mother worked for the Jefferson County School Board. They managed to give all five of us college educations.”
    â€œQuite a feat.”
    â€œWe all think so.”
    His handsome face reflected the pride he felt in his parents’ accomplishments. “They’ve been married over forty years.”
    â€œThat’s a long time.”
    â€œIt sure is. I can’t imagine being married to someone for that long. That’s more than my entire lifetime.” He smiled at her. “I suppose you’ve never been married.” From what Pete told him Jack already knew she hadn’t, but it might be interesting if she gave any views on the subject.
    â€œNo. I don’t think I’m the marrying type.”
    â€œOh? Why’s that?”
    â€œLiving with the same person, year after year…I’m afraid I’d get bored.”
    Jack didn’t know what to say. Alicia made marriage sound no more meaningful than a marathon session of bid whist. If that was how she felt he couldn’t say he hoped to one day find the right woman without sounding like a sap. “I think there’s something to be said for having a life partner,” he finally said. “For me it’s infinitely more preferable than going through life with a series of, uh, significant others, drifting from one affair to the next.” He didn’t see how she could feel otherwise, but then he thought of Derek Taylor and how he kissed Alicia’s lips when he left her party, and suddenly his shoulders went taut.
    â€œWhat about you, Jack? Ever been married?”
    â€œI was engaged once.”
    â€œWhat happened?”
    â€œShe broke it off. An old lover came back into her life, and she realized she wasn’t ready to commit to me.” He shrugged. “The way I see it, it was for the best. Better to find out sooner than later.”
    After dinner they shared a raspberry soufflé, laughing and talking about a variety of topics, including their respective professions. “I enjoyed this, Jack,” Alicia said as she delicately patted around her mouth with her napkin. “Thank you.”
    â€œIt sounds like you’ve been under a lot of stress lately, with your mother being ill. I’m glad you were able to get away for a few hours.” He hadn’t exaggerated. His watch read ten-twenty p.m., which meant they’d been sitting here for nearly two-and-a-half hours. For him it wasn’t nearly enough time.
    â€œTime has been passing so quickly. Can you believe that in another few weeks it’ll be Thanksgiving?”
    â€œFortunately, I made my reservations the moment I accepted the job here.”
    â€œYou must be going home to Alabama.”
    â€œYes, for a long weekend. I leave Tuesday afternoon and come back Saturday.”
    â€œI’m surprised you’re not staying until Sunday.”
    â€œThe Sunday after Thanksgiving is a mob scene. Everybody’s going back home that day. I think the only day that’s worse is the Wednesday before. I figured I’d travel on Saturday and avoid some of the insanity.”
    â€œThat makes sense. Will you be spending Christmas with your family, too?”
    â€œNo. I’ve got a huge project pending with a deadline just after the holiday. DVD, titles, the whole nine yards. I won’t be able to take any time off until after the first of the year.”
    Their waiter appeared just then. “You can bring me the check,” Jack requested. Then he turned his attention back to the lovely woman sitting opposite him. “I’m not accustomed to that. Usually I take off the last week of the year. You see, my birthday is Christmas Eve.”
    She drew in

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