The Love She Craves: Selling Her Soul to Declan

Free The Love She Craves: Selling Her Soul to Declan by Gemma Jenkins

Book: The Love She Craves: Selling Her Soul to Declan by Gemma Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gemma Jenkins
diner leaving the twelve-year-old in charge of two other children who lived with them.
    “CPS is said to be investigating how all the children came to live with Carmichael. When asked if they would be searching missing children databases, CPS officials stated they would explore all viable options looking for the younger children’s families.
    “At this hour, the boy is still listed in critical condition with life threatening injuries.”
    ~ * ~
    Declan walked in moments after they wheeled in the gurney and transferred the boy back into his bed. He knew something was wrong the moment he saw her. Her face had lost its color and she sat in the mesh chair slightly rocking her upper body back-and-forth and staring off into space.
    “Nyxie,” he said crouching down in front of the chair and trying to draw eye contact. “Nyxie, what’s wrong? Look at me, Onyx. Cody’s back from surgery. He needs you to be here with him.”
    Declan glanced behind him to make sure none of the nurses could see him before he reached out and stroked her arm. Her eyes slowly closed and stayed shut for about three seconds then slowly open. She looked around the room, her gaze falling on her brother then darting to the clock on the wall.
    “You’re finished? Is Cody okay?”
    “It went well, practically routine,” he said. “What happened while I was gone? Did Rachel say something?”
    “Excuse me?” the blonde nurse said in an accusing tone as she entered the room.
    Rachel wore her rude attitude on her face for all to see. Distain flared her nostrils as if it had an odor—or perhaps she just smelled the cloying perfume she bathed in that morning to cover up the stench of cigarettes that clung to her.
    “Did you say something to her?”
    The woman crossed her arms. “I barely spoke two words to her. One minute she’s watching the news, the next she’s half-comatose. Maybe you should check to see if any of the other patients are missing their meds.”
    “Declan, she didn’t do anything,” Nyxie said moving her hand slightly so it touched his but not in a way that appeared as if the contact was intentional. “The news implied I kidnapped Lotus and Reina. They told the whole world CPS removed my kids.”
    “Christ!” Declan pulled out his cell phone and jabbed his fingers at the display. “Vaughn, it’s Declan. I need you to rein in the media. We need the public on our side. They’re trying to vilify Nyxie.” He listened for a minute. “…In time for the evening news? Yes. Thanks,” he said and hung up the phone.
    Again, she marveled at how he knew exactly what to do. He had an uncanny ability to make her feel like everything would be all right. She didn’t know if she would always be able to rely on him, but she suspected if she could stay on his good side, she could. It felt alien to her to have anyone she could call a friend. But how could she embrace calling him a friend, when she knew he also wanted to cause her pain?
    “Thank you, Declan,” she said with her eyes lowered because she knew he liked it when she dropped her gaze.
    He reached out and stroked her hair. “I have some good news about Cody. The pressure on his brain has already begun dropping a little. We’ll probably be able to take him out of the coma sooner than expected.”
    Standing, she slowly approached the bed and took Cody’s right-hand. “It’s so hard to look at him,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I thought they would be okay by themselves.”
    “Onyx?” a woman said in the gap in the curtains.
    “Mrs. North!”
    “Am I allowed to visit?”
    Rachel, who was charting Cody’s vitals, looked up with pursed lips. “It’s supposed to be one visitor at a time and family only in the ICU.”
    “I think we can make an exception this once,” Declan said daring the nurse to contradict him.
    “Keep it short and keep it down. And if you want to visit with each other, take it to a waiting room.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” Mrs.

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