Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

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Book: Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1) by Nicolette Scarletti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicolette Scarletti
bed as well. Both girls went in different directions to get ready for the day.

    The pounding of horse’s hooves filled the predawn air. Loki pushed his jet black steed hard hoping to have this mission complete before dinner. With his luck and the way he knew his mother he might not be back for a week.
    He hadn’t slept well the night before. It was that damn dream again; except last night had been different. The young woman who normally haunted his dreams always put up a good fight when he made his advances on her. But last night she was terrified of him and her eyes said it all. Loki was irritated by this new turn of events. For some reason her fear bothered him more than anything else ever could. There was a twisting in his stomach as he thought of her frightened brown eyes, pleading with him.
    He dug his heels in the horse’s flank not knowing how long his patience would hold out. Not when he was working on no sleep and so many things conspired to remind him of his disgrace.
    There would be time enough when he returned to figure everything out. His dreams had begun to vex him. For the last twenty years he had dreamt of her. For the first fifteen years when he would dream of her they would just talk. Sometimes she would ask him questions about his life. Other times she would tell him stories of her own.
    Yet never once in all that time had they shared their names with each other. That was something that Loki was just beginning to find odd. But now that she acted as if he were a villain from a dark fairy tale Loki doubted she would tell him her name.
    Then four years ago everything changed. It was as if a haze was lifted from before his eyes. It was the first time Loki had seen her as something more than a friend. That first night he had an urge to spirit her away. In his dream state his soul began to call to her as if she were his mate. He often felt an odd pulling sensation in the region of his heart when he saw the girl. It felt as if he had waited an eternity to find her.
    What bothered him most about the girl was she was clearly mortal and that just would not do. He was a royal immortal and as such he could not have feelings for a sworn enemy. Although he was the only one who saw mortals as a threat. The only one who knew mortals for the treacherous beasts they truly were.
    Loki knew he would have to speak to his mother about the turn of events. He had always gone to her when he had one of his dreams. She was always eager to listen to her young son and give advice where needed. He wished this mate crap was his only problem but it wasn’t. Loki knew he would have to keep his eyes open for Signe and whatever treacherous plan she had.
    His horse came to a sudden halt as Heimdal stood before the gates to the Bifrost, sword by his side. His amber eyes seemed to pierce right through Loki; it was almost as if he could see your soul.
    “Loki Odin-son, state your business.”
    Dismounting his steed, he approached the gatekeeper. As he drew near, Loki pulled an envelope out of his cloak and handed Heimdal the missive. The gatekeeper’s amber eyes examined the note for anything out of the ordinary. The young prince didn’t know if he was trying to find a lie in the truth but he wished Heimdal would get on with it. Even as a small boy he had found the gatekeeper’s stillness unnerving. Heimdal handed the note back to Loki. Raising his gleaming sword the gates to the Bifrost opened.
    “Safe journey and may the Sisters of Fate be with you, Prince Loki.”
    Loki bowed his head in Heimdal's direction and moved through the gate under the watchful eyes of its keeper. The vibrant colors of the rainbow bridge made it hard for Loki to see the merriment in the gatekeeper’s eyes.
    As the colors began to dance around him, Loki felt the pull of the Bifrost just behind his navel. No matter how often he traveled this way there was no getting used to it. Loki always felt like he had been to battle after a trip through the Bifrost. The

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