Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

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Book: Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1) by Nicolette Scarletti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicolette Scarletti
lights swirled around him. It was complete and utter chaos. All the young immortal could do was close his eyes and hope it would be over soon.
    Unfortunately the landing was just as treacherous as the trip had been. Loki landed in a kneeling position; knees bent and fingertips touching the ground. He stayed that way a moment longer then he would have liked. But it was either that or stumble around as if he were drunk on the best mead the immortals had to offer.
    Dusting himself off, he headed in the direction of his mother’s home. Loki received several odd looks and he wondered what these mortals were looking at. They should have been looking on him in fear and wonder; yet here they were snickering.
    An uneasy feeling settle over him. The way they were pointing and laughing, brought back unpleasant memories of his childhood. He had been teased by Thor and his friends unmercifully back then. When he would go to his father for help, Odin would not bother to punish the crown prince. His father would often tell him that Thor was helping him learn a great lesson; out of great suffering comes great knowledge.
    His father was right on that, his suffering had taught Loki to wait until the time was right to exact his revenge. Too bad for him Thor was a tattletale. His father would lecture Loki about learning to get along. In those days there had been a lot of talk about letting bygones be bygones. Rubbish, all of it.
    He was brought forth from his thoughts by a young mortal calling out to him, “Where’s the geek convention?”
    Loki looked down at his clothes and mumbled, “Shit!”
    He had forgotten to change out of his battle gear. It was a force of habit to put it on first thing in the morning. After centuries of doing the same thing it was second nature and now these sniveling little mortals were making a spectacle of him.
    Loki’s jade eyes flashed fire and an evil smile spread over his handsome face. The mortals should have been shaking in their pants, but they just stood there laughing, oblivious to their fate.
    With a wave of his hands the ringleader’s laces were tied together. From around the corner came the low rumble of a dog growling. As the sound of the dog grew closer his vicious barks and snarls became louder.
    The young man’s friends ran, but as Loki’s adversary took a step he fell forward. The barking grew louder every time he struggled with his laces. The boy was so frightened that he finally kicked his shoes off. In a flash he was up and out of sight, but not before Loki noticed a growing wet spot on the boy’s pants.
    With a second wave of his hands the barking ceased. Loki moved on down the block, a laugh erupting from his lips. Perhaps the young mortal would think twice before opening his mouth next time.

Chapter 10:
    The heavy smell of antiseptic stung Chantelle’s nose and had her heartbeat doubling the moment she walked into the doctor’s office. She knew that this was just a routine check-up; there was nothing to worry about. At least that’s what the doctor had assured them.
    Even though she wanted to believe him for Emma’s sake, she couldn’t. There had been too many horror stories shared in the waiting room. Chantelle had been to all the “Living with Cancer” meetings and she knew that with brain tumors you had less of a chance than most.
    Her chocolate eyes darted to Emma’s face and a sigh of relief slipped from her lips. Chantelle watched as she sat there eyes closed, breathing slowly. She was doing the soaking exercise Frigga had taught her; it was a way to flow with God.
    “Miss Hale, the doctor will see you now.”
    Emma’s eyes slowly opened as she rose from her seat in the waiting room. Both ladies moved into the inner office; one ready to accept whatever the doctor told her, the other just wishing she could make it all better.
    A deep hurt filled Chantelle’s heart as she walked beside her sister. She had promised to keep her safe and here she was failing her. Of course

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