Tiger Billionaire's Virgin Lover #1: Desires

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Book: Tiger Billionaire's Virgin Lover #1: Desires by Michelle Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Lynn
filtered back into my life. “What is it?”
    “Come here,” she said, in almost a whisper, motioning for me to come closer with her finger. “It could be a little tricky, but since I know that the chosen candidate might begin work before you get the chance to interview, I think it is the most logical thing to do.”
    She sounded so mysterious, and it excited me in an odd way. “I'm listening.”
    “Here is what you are going to do, you are going to sneak up to his penthouse suite and wait for him there. That is the only way that you will be able to get to him. There is likely to be a guard up there, and so I suggest that you take the stairs once the elevator gets to the second last floor. You're smart enough to know what to do once you get there,” she whispered her plan.
    It seemed a pretty dangerous plan but somehow, I felt the adrenaline in my body building. I had always been one for challenges, and if this was going to be the only chance that I was going to talk to Erik, I had to do it.
    I stood there speechless for a short while, working things out in my head, before I finally looked back at Lena with determination on my face.
    “If I pull through with this crazy idea, I will really owe you one,” I said in a low voice, my heart pounding hard in my chest.
    “Don’t worry about it girl!  Go now before he comes out, because I know that he will be leaving the office soon,” she said to me.
    “Thank you, Lena,” I said, walking quickly to the elevators.
    This was surely one crazy idea, but if it was the only way that I was going to get an interview, then so be it. In the elevator I checked myself to see that I looked alright, applying a little more lip stick. I got off on the second last floor and then took the stairs up, careful not to click my heels on the ground and attract unnecessary attention from the guard at the top. Just as I was getting to the landing, I stopped short when I heard a woman protesting loudly, telling the guard that he was making a huge mistake throwing her out of the floor. I stopped and peered around the corner, and there was a busty woman, dressed almost like a model from playboy. She was wearing a short dress that held onto her body nicely and left all of her assets for whoever could look to see. There was a guard with her, and he was dragging her into an elevator, practically carrying her as she hit him against the chest with her little fists that seemed to do little harm. I breathed a sigh of relief as the doors of the elevator closed behind them.
    That was probably one of Erik Dken's many admirers and she had probably sneaked up here looking for a chance to be with him. Goodness, did he sleep with just about anyone? I couldn’t help but wonder. I looked around and seeing that there was no other guard in the dark corridor, I made my way to the far end where the door of his penthouse was and stood by a window that overlooked the city.
    Darkness was coming in fast and I could see that lights had begun going on outside. I waited there, wondering what would happen when Erik Dken finally arrived. Every minute felt like an hour. Was this really a good idea?
    My mind went back to the brunette who had just been escorted out of the floor, and I couldn’t help comparing myself to her. She had bigger breasts than me, and her figure was more cut out than mine, but at least I had nice green eyes with a rim of blue around them. I had inherited them from my mother, and my dad always said that they were my greatest asset. I think my body was much sexier looking than the other woman, who was just as slutty as they came. But why the hell was I thinking like this when all I was here was to do an interview and leave? I had to admit, I was a bit curious….
    It was almost seven o’clock when Erik was thinking of leaving the office. He wanted to go for a run or maybe even a bike ride. He just had to do something to distract his mind from

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