Agent of Desire (Jessica Booker)

Free Agent of Desire (Jessica Booker) by Charlie Evans

Book: Agent of Desire (Jessica Booker) by Charlie Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlie Evans
coming after us. They’re the treasure hunters.”
    “So, does that make me the treasure?” I can tell from his voice that he’s smiling.
    “Yeah, I guess you are.” Speaking about his worth reminds me that we still don’t know what their end goal is with Geoffrey. It occurs to me that maybe Geoffrey will know. “Geoffrey?”
    “Yes, Lori.”
    “Can you think of any reason that someone would want to kidnap you?”
    “You mean you don’t know why these people are after me? I assumed it was because of what’s in those boxes NATO hired me to make.”
    “Yes, but they’re not going after the boxes anymore—they’re only targeting you. Do you know why that would be?”
    Silence fills the room, and I wait patiently for him to answer.
    “Who did you say you worked for again?” Geoffrey asks.
    “I didn’t,” I say, hoping he will leave it.
    “Is Lori even your real name?”
    “I like the way you say it,” I say, not answering the question.
    He chuckles. “Lori,” he says again. I savor it. Even though it’s not my real name, I know he’s calling out to me.
    I want to go to him and curl up in his arms, but I don’t. We’ve already gone too far. We’re already too close. He doesn’t need one more reason to fall for a girl he can never have. And I need to stop flirting with a life I would never be satisfied with.
    “Goodnight, Lori. Whoever you are.”
    “Night, Geoffrey,” I say.

Chapter Sixteen
    I go for a midnight walk around the cottage. The only way Sims could know where we are already is if he traced the call I made from the payphone several miles away. Even then, he’d have to be searching quite a large area and just fall upon the place. I’m ready for that possibility, but it hasn’t happened yet. The air is still. The only thing moving within a one-kilometer radius is me. And the most irritating bugs I’ve ever met. They are ridiculously small and swarm like gnats, but they sting. Hard. I’m pretty impervious to pain, but my tolerance for their annoyance factor is next to nothing.
    I head back inside the cottage, and slip up into the room above the garage. Now that I’ve been wandering around in the dark for a while, my eyes are adjusted to the near pitch black. Geoffrey is still asleep and, to my sheer amusement, has apparently gotten hot and taken off his shirt. It is a little warm in the room.
    He may be a computer geek, but he sure knows how to take care of his body. The moonlight illuminates the firm contours of his stomach muscles. I take a step forward, and the floorboard creaks underneath my foot. I hold my breath, because I’m standing over him, ogling him. I don’t need him to wake up just now.
    He stirs, but just to shift. He makes a faint moaning noise, and rolls all the way onto his back. I stare at the tent created by his erection. I lick my lips, considering my options. I could wake him up in so many satisfying ways—give him a hand job, stroking him until he’s awake enough to play; strip and straddle him, playing with myself until he wakes up to join me; close my mouth around his delicious cock until he’s moaning out my name. I know how much guys like it when they wake up coming in a girl’s mouth. That’s a trick I only use on very special occasions. I consider using it here, but then my conscience weighs in. Sure, he would like it while it was a happening—he is a guy after all—but he wants a rela…
    I don’t like to even think the R-word so I won’t. I move over to the chair and try to placate myself by looking out the window.
    Outside, the sky is washing the countryside with starlight, but I don’t see it. I still see Geoffrey. His thick, muscular arms; his hard chest; his hard…
    There is a warm throbbing between my legs that won’t go away. I swallow and slip my hand into my pants, gently massaging. I imagine what it would be like if Geoffrey woke me up for sex. He would definitely start by playing with my breasts. I can still see the

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