Falling Behind (Falling Series)

Free Falling Behind (Falling Series) by Dee Avila

Book: Falling Behind (Falling Series) by Dee Avila Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Avila
then s crew him, Reese. Our friend is”—
    My phone lit up with a message interrupting him.
    Josh: I drop you off early so he can come over? What’s up?
    Me: Candice got caught at A lex’s and she’s pissed @ me.
    Me: Shutting phone off talk 2 u 2morrow
    Before he could even answer I shut my phone off and looked at Ty. “He’s pissed.” Seconds later he was beating on my front door, which woke my mom. Thank goodness Dad isn’t home.
    Mom , wrapping her robe around her, came barreling down the hall. “What the heck is going on?” She flicked her eyes toward Titus and cinched her robe tighter. “Sorry, Ty, who’s at the door?”
    My head dropped into my hands again and I mumbled . “Josh.”
    I felt Titus move. He stood up. “Let me get the door.” Walking toward the front door he looked at Mom for approval and she nodded. Opening the door, he said, “Josh, let’s talk outside. You woke up Reese’s mom.”
    They walked out and Mom sat next to me. “Honey, I know your upset about Candice and Ty is one of your best friends; but maybe Josh doesn’t understand all of that and when he drove by and saw Ty’s car here, it upset him.”
    “You think?” I snapped and then bit my bottom lip ; it wasn’t her fault.
    “I know i t doesn’t seem fair that he gets so upset with you over Ty, but you two just started dating. Give it time. Candice will come around too. Ty was right, you saved her. Maybe nothing happened tonight, but you saved her.
    “And I’m proud of you for speaking to her dad. He can be very intimidating.” She shifted as if she wanted to get up and check on the guys. “Should I check on them?”
    Shaking my head no, she responded with a small nod. “Good night, Sweetie. Both guys can come in for fifteen minutes, then everyone needs to leave.”
    “Thanks , Mom, I love you.” I swatted at a runaway tear. I had been blinking them back until she said she was proud of me.  Then I lost it.
    “Love you , too.”
    Titus poked his head back in “ He insists on staying.”
    “Come in, my mom gave us fifteen minutes; then you both have to leave, anyway.”
    Titus nodded and opened the door to let Josh in. “I’ll see you guys at school, tomorrow.” He glanced at my phone and then smiled at me before shutting the door.
    Josh stood there , looking out of place in my home. He looked up and then down everywhere but at me. “Josh, look at me.” He did what I said and stepped closer. “Please, sit.” I patted the couch.
    Sitting , he put a hand on my leg and squeezed a little. “I’m sorry, Reese. Ty explained what you had to do tonight, and I’m sorry. I overreacted.” He looked up at me, through his long lashes, batting those lime colored eyes, obscured by his dilated pupils. 
    Tears started flowing down my cheek . He reached up and swiped them away with one hand while his other nervously tapped out a rhythm on his knee. I wasn’t sure what was going on with him. Why was he nervous? Was it nerves or was he just fidgety? “You did the best thing for her. Informing someone is the first step.” He tipped his head back and inhaled deeply before blowing it all out and looking at me again. “Was she in denial?”
    “Yeah, she would give us stupid excuses for the bruises.” I wiped my snot on the sleeve of my hoodie. It had been a long day and I was done talking about it. I just wanted to go to bed. “I’m sorry, Josh; can we hang out and talk about it later? Like tomorrow?”
    “Yeah, I guess I should get going. I don’t want your mom mad at me.” He stood up and pulled me toward him.
    “She isn’t. She understands a lot.” I slipped my hand in his and led him toward his truck.
    Josh sat on his seat facing me and pulled me in for a kiss goodbye. He still tasted of alcohol. The taste was even stronger. There was a hard liquor taste some type of medicinal taste I couldn’t place. When he pulled me in closer, all I wanted to do was pull away. Before I knew it my shirt was up over my

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