Young Ole Devil
Mexican Ambassador up at Washington, D.C., are
raising all manner of protests over it.’
    ‘ That’s only to be expected, sir,’ Hardin pointed out
philosophically. ‘But it won’t stop our kin and friends back in the
United States from helping us.’
    ‘ It
might,’ Houston corrected. ‘There’s considerable opposition from
the anti-slavery faction to any suggestion that, after we’ve won
our independence, Texas should be considered for annexation by the
United States. Their contention is that by allowing that to happen
it might result in the formation of further ‘slave’ States. xi Rather than have that happen they’d
sooner see Texas remain under Mexican rule. So they’re demanding
that the United States refuses to allow even private support or aid
for us.’
    ‘ But
surely we’ve our own supporters in Congress, sir,’ Hardin
    ‘ We
have,’ Houston conceded. ‘And they’d be willing to stand by us more
openly if it was only the Mexicans and the anti-slavery faction
involved. But Santa Anna’s made representations to various European
countries. He’s claiming that our “rebellion”, as he calls it, is
preventing him from bringing about settled conditions which will
allow expansion, development and overseas trade. As the Europeans
are interested in the latter, seeing a chance of profit, they are
taking the line that the United States has no right to interfere in
the domestic problems of another country. So far our supporters in
Congress have been able to evade the issue by pointing out that
there is no proof that aid has been given since the declaration of
    ‘ And
the shipment would furnish that proof, sir,’ Hardin said
    ‘ It
would,’ Houston confirmed. ‘It’s true that the arms were donated by
private individuals and have nothing to do with Congress, or the
United States, but it will embarrass our supporters and lessen
their chances of winning the annexation issue. So you can see why
it’s very important that the shipment doesn’t fall into the
Mexicans’ hands. If it does, there will be pressure put on Congress
to stop all aid.’
    Crouching on the wine-rack, ignoring the
ache in his legs and neck, Juglares was congratulating himself.
What he had heard was of lie greatest importance. Not even the
discovery that Bowie and Travis were going to hold the Alamo
Mission had been of such value. While his first inclination was to
leave immediately and arrange for the information to be passed on
without delay, he refrained. The more he could learn, the greater
use it would be.
    ‘ Even
granting the extra two days, sir,’ Hardin said, after a few
seconds’ thought. ‘That doesn’t leave me much time to have Company
“C” join me from the regiment, then get to Santa Cristobal Bay.
Particularly taking along wagons to carry the shipment.’
    ‘ It
doesn’t,’ Houston admitted. ‘Especially as the longer the ship is
delayed, the greater chance of it being captured. There’s one
thing, though, you won’t be using wagons. Like you said, they’d
slow you down too much. Mules’re faster and better suited to the
kind of country you’ll be covering.’
    That ’s true enough, sir. But do we have
enough of them available?’
    ‘ Ewart
Brindley does. Do you know him?’
    ‘ I’ve
never met him, sir. But I’ve heard tell of him—-’
    ‘ And
most of what you’ve heard is true,’ Houston said with a grin,
having noticed the inflexion in the younger man’s voice. ‘Old
Ewart’s just about as ornery and cross-grained a cuss as ever drew
breath or drank corn liquor; but there’s no better hand at working
a mule train.’
    ‘ That’s what I’ve always heard, sir,’ Hardin
    ‘ And
that’s one of the reasons I’m sending you, boy,’ Houston went on. ‘Your Uncle Edward
has already spoken highly of your ability to get along with people.
You’ll have to handle Ewart real carefully though, even with the
letter I’ll be giving you for

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