Club Fantasy

Free Club Fantasy by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

Book: Club Fantasy by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd
tongue requested entry to her mouth and she granted it, reveling in the emotions, the flaring heat, the excitement of something so new. She slipped her hands beneath his jacket and pulled his shirt from the waist of his pants so she could feel his skin, drowning in a now frantic need for him.
    It seemed to take only moments until their clothes were off and his hands were on her naked breasts. They kissed and fondled, driving her to the heights of arousal. All too quickly, however, Toby unrolled a condom over his erection and thrust deeply into her. It took only moments for him to climax.
    Jenna was bitterly disappointed. She had expected all the things she hadn’t had with Glen and here she was having experienced the same kind of sex she’d had before. Quick, ordinary and unsatisfying. Later, as they lay stretched out on the sofa, Toby sensed her feelings. “I’m so sorry, Jenna. I’ve been anticipating this evening all day and I got a little ahead of you.” His fingers idly played with her nipple as he talked. “You’re so beautiful, so sexy that I got carried away.”
    â€œIt was wonderful, Toby,” Jenna said, trying to sound upbeat. “Anticipation got to me too.”
    He cupped her chin and turned her face so she couldn’t help but gaze into his eyes. “Don’t lie to me, Jenna,” he said. “Don’t ever lie to me like that. Just relax and let me see what I can do to make it up to you.” He pinched her nipple until she gasped.
    Jenna was used to Glen’s style of lovemaking. He was never in the mood for more playing once he’d climaxed so she didn’t want Toby to make promises that he wouldn’t keep, either verbally or with his hands. She just wanted to drag her body down from its current excited state. “I’m fine, Toby.”
    He lifted himself onto one elbow. “I don’t leave a lady unsatisfied,” he announced, and he covered her mouth with his. Jenna wanted to hold back, keep herself from any additional disappointment, but his kisses were irresistible. She was already aroused so it took his hands and his mouth only moments to drive her upward. Colors whirled in her brain, bright reds and oranges, sulfurous yellows blending as she climbed.
    She slid her hands around his waist, then up his sweat dampened back, the length of her naked body against the length of his, moving constantly so she could feel him. Firmly his knee pressed hers apart and his thigh pressed against her mound. She opened her legs and unashamedly thrust against his well-developed leg muscles.
    As she rubbed, he slid down and closed his mouth on her breast. He suckled, then blew a stream of cool air on her wet skin. She felt her body responding and her legs parted further. Quickly his hand slipped between her thighs. “You’re so wet,” he said, “and so hot. Poor hungry, unsatisfied girl.” God, she was so hungry. Would he know what to do?
    He seemed to know exactly what she wanted. He found her clit and started to stroke, creating a rhythm that she matched with her hips. “Yes, Jenna,” he growled, his mouth still on her nipple. “Move with me.” And she did, her hips writhing, trying to press his hands against all the places that itched with need. He bit lightly. “Tell me what you want.”
    â€œYou,” Jenna moaned as two of his fingers entered her swollen, slippery channel. “God. Do that.”
    â€œGood girl. Tell me. Show me.”
    She grabbed his wrist and held his hand against her as she rubbed her flesh against his fingers. Then he climbed off the sofa, knelt beside her, and pressed his cheek against her belly. “You smell of heat and sex. It’s the strongest aphrodisiac I know.” He grabbed her hand, put it between his legs so she could feel him, hard again. “See what you do to me?”
    Then his face was between her thighs, his tongue caressing where his fingers

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