Test Drive (The Bachelor #1)

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Book: Test Drive (The Bachelor #1) by Avonlea Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avonlea Cole
address and said eight thirty, which gave me some time to chill for a minute before I finished getting ready. "What to wear to her house?" I said aloud. My closet was full of suits and dressy clothes, but this was just to hang out and eat some, probably amazing, food.
    I settled on jeans and a gray fitted T-shirt from Abercrombie. I checked myself out in the mirror a few times, before deciding that, "Yeah, I look good!"
    I bounded down the stairs and out the side entrance hoping to escape any further questioning by my parents. My father hadn’t let the fact that I had obviously found his secretary attractive and that I was bound to screw up a good thing for the company. Thanks Dad!
    When I arrived at Claire’s apartment building, I found it a little sketchy. The neighborhood was really quiet, void of street lights or any lights for that matter. There was an eerie glow coming from the building’s entrance. I almost developed a fear of the dark just sitting in my car deciding whether or not to get out. I began to wonder if the power was out. I checked the address again and it was exactly right.
    Jenna’s daunting words echoed in my head, "Don’t be such a girl, Drew." I argued over whether this was a valid fear, before saying out loud, "Maybe she shouldn’t live in such a creepy neighborhood."
    It was time to man up, so I got out of the car fully ready to run like a little girl into the building if I saw anything creepy. But I managed to make it to the door without incident, and Claire was waiting at the top of the stairs when I burst through the doors.
    She was wearing a navy blue wrap dress that landed about knee length. It was very simple but elegant, and her black flat shoes hinted that her profession made her very aware of her comfort levels. Claire’s hair was hanging in loose curly locks around her shoulders. The front was pushed back with a pin. She looked comfortable.
    "I was wondering if you were going to come inside," she said.
    "Yeah, I wasn’t sure I was in the right place. Your street is so dark," I said, ascending the stairs two at a time.
    "Oh I know! The electric company is rewiring the stop light up the road, and we haven’t had streetlights for days now. It is kind of creepy." She rubbed her shoulders when I got to the top. I didn’t quite know whether to hug her or just follow her into her apartment.
    You could smell the food cooking from the hallway, and my mouth instantly watered. "How do these people live in the same building with you?" I said.
    "Excuse me?" She was obviously confused by my statement.
    "I don’t think I could sit down the hall, smelling this mouthwatering food and not raid your apartment." We both laughed, but I was serious.
    I followed her through the hallway, and the apartment building transformed into a luxury condo. Recess lighting and modern decor graced the entranceway. The kitchen was fit for a chef and was probably the big selling point for Claire. Granite countertops and a gas stove topped a large island in the kitchen and a smooth cream-colored set of cabinets lined the whole back wall. Her array of fresh fruits and vegetables were splayed out on the countertops beneath the cabinets and a spice rack that would make any chef proud took up one whole shelf in the pantry.
    "This place is spectacular." I made a lap around the open concept living room, and I could see there was a loft bedroom up a narrow flight of stairs lining the back wall of the living room. "How long have you lived here?" I walked over to the large, floor to ceiling, windows, which were tinted to avoid anyone from seeing in. There were a set of automatic blinds that could be lowered at the push of a button. This place was the perfect bachelor pad or maybe couple’s pad?
    "Um, I have lived here for about six months now. I really love the layout of the apartment, and the people here keep to themselves." She was mixing something delectable in a bowl. I could smell a hint of seafood, and I could barely wait

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