Test Drive (The Bachelor #1)

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Book: Test Drive (The Bachelor #1) by Avonlea Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avonlea Cole
to taste whatever she was making.
    "What’s for dinner tonight?" I leaned over the counter towards her. She didn’t seem nervous at all.
    "Well, I have wanted to try this stuffed mushroom recipe . . .” she said as she slowly mixed whatever ingredients were stuffed into the powder blue mixing bowl.
    "Yum!" I interjected bringing a smile to her face.
    "And then there is this chocolate lava cake with a caramel sauce for dessert."
    "Oh my God, Claire, stop." I laughed. "You had me at chocolate, anything after that is going to turn me into a drooling fool." I wasn’t kidding. You ever hear that a way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach? Well that is bullshit, but what is true is that if a girl can cook then she gets major points in the "could be my wife" category. So I can see the misconception, but there is a real difference.
    Claire giggled but continued mixing her concoction. "So what all is in there?"
    "Umm, it has some lump crab meat and mayonnaise with a whole bunch of spices. There is cilantro and Italian loaf bread crumbs. I am getting ready to add in a cup of grated cheddar cheese, and then I am going to stuff those portabella mushrooms and top them with more cheese." She listed off the ingredients like she was giving instructions to her staff.
    "Sounds delicious! So what can I do?" I rubbed my hands together signaling that I didn’t mind getting my hands dirty.
    "Actually if you can just open this bottle of wine that would be super helpful."
    I poured a few glasses and we toasted to a wonderful evening. I was a little bummed she didn’t want my help in the kitchen. I hoped she wasn’t one of those control freaks that wanted to conquer the world by themselves. Being independent and motivated was good, but not to the point where you shut your family out. I realized that was the definition of my father, which had been what sparked the resentment between us.
    Claire and I talked seamlessly for another hour as she flitted around the kitchen pouring this and baking that. I felt like a lump on a log just waiting for her to get done. When dinner was finally ready, we sat down at her mahogany bar style table, and the night continued without a hitch.
    The conversation between Claire and I flowed. Although I didn't feel any sparks, I thought we paired nicely. It's not that she wasn't beautiful because she was, but I felt like I was having dinner with an old friend instead of a new love. Dinner was spectacular. After, we sat down on the sofa, and she pulled her legs tightly up under her.
    We talked for hours about food and movies. I learned a lot about her past dating history, and I selectively picked through the details of my life. I didn't want to risk being called a liar if I ever told her the truth.
    "Wait a second," she said and popped off the couch.
    "Okay?" I laughed.
    Claire bounded into the kitchen almost spilling the wine sloshing around in her glass. She set down the glass and opened the fridge revealing a small plate with several square pieces of chocolate on it.
    "Oh wow! What is that?" My mouth instantly watered, and she approached me with the sugary confections.
    "These are my last surprise, if you can shove one more thing down your throat."
    We both laughed, and I responded saying, "Are you kidding me? I can feel the pounds stacking up. I’m going to have to leave here and head straight to the gym."
    "If you spend any more time at the gym, you won’t be able to walk out in public without being mauled by a dozen women."
    "So let me get this straight. Are you saying that I am borderline irresistible? Are you trying to hit on me? Because if you are, I’m flattered."
    Blushing, she took a small piece of the chocolate and held it out. "Eat the chocolate, Drew." She didn't appear to be placing it in my hand, so I opened my mouth and she laid the chocolate on my tongue. She popped the other half in her own mouth and let it melt on her tongue.
    "What do you taste?" she said. Her eyes lit with

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