Hit the Wall (Blythe College)

Free Hit the Wall (Blythe College) by Rochelle Paige

Book: Hit the Wall (Blythe College) by Rochelle Paige Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Paige
should say it’s a rule that’s already changed because of you.”
    “You’re just taking me out to dinner tomorrow night because you wanted to thank me for helping you out and you’re mom expects it of you,” I argued.
    “I may have let you think that to make sure you’d say yes, Kaylie. But that isn’t why I’m taking you to dinner. I could have found a million other ways to express my gratitude without spending another minute in your company,” he pointed out as he pulled me towards his body. “Flowers, a card, just about anything would have satisfied my mom. But I’m not worried about her being satisfied right now. No, you’ve got me thinking about my own satisfaction instead,” he said before his mouth crashed down on mine.
    His lips were warm, and he tasted like cinnamon. I felt his hands on my ass and let out a startled gasp. He took full advantage and his tongue swept into my mouth, tangling with mine. His grip tightened as he groaned and tilted his head to get better access to my mouth. The kiss went from zero to sixty in no time at all. He mixed it up with quick nibbles on my lips and sharp tugs as he sucked my tongue into his mouth. I grabbed the back of his head to hold him in place as my mouth strained towards his, and he chuckled darkly in response before pulling away.
    “Mine and yours if that kiss is any indication of the chemistry between us,” he murmured against my ear before kissing his way down my neck.
    “Jackson,” I sighed before taking a step backwards out of his arms. “I’m at work. I can’t stay back here to make out with you while I’m supposed to be tending bar.”
    “I know, but I couldn’t resist stealing one before you went back,” he said. “That’s the look I want you to have when you go back out there. One that says ‘look but don’t look too hard and don’t even think about touching.’”
    “For someone who isn’t used to dating, you sure have the possessive alpha act down pat. And we aren’t even dating yet.”
    “I’ve never felt the need to act like this in public before. There’s just something about you that brings it out in me,” he answered as he opened the door for me. “And don’t think I didn’t catch the yet at the end of your sentence. I’m just going to take it to mean that you’ve conceded to the fact that tomorrow night is a date. In fact, I think you could almost say we are dating already since we had breakfast together this morning. Technically, tomorrow night will be our second date.”

    I stayed until Kaylie closed the bar down and waited to make sure she and her roommate made it safely to her car. I didn’t like the idea of Kaylie being alone in the bar’s parking lot this late at night with all the guys who had been drinking there all night. But I didn’t want to freak her out any more than I already had by letting her know that I’d waited for her, so I watched from the convenience store parking lot across the street. She’d backed down when I asked her to change her shirt and seemed to enjoy the kiss, but I didn’t want to scare her off with these possessive urges that were rising up inside me.
    I’d always been a little intense, but it had never affected how I treated women out of bed. If a girl I wanted to bang wasn’t interested, it was no big deal because there were always others. If she was with a different guy the night after I’d slept with her, it didn’t bother me at all. In fact, it was a relief because it meant she knew the score and wouldn’t freak out when I didn’t want to go back for more. I certainly couldn’t give a shit how they were dressed and if other guys noticed. The more provocative, the better.
    But when I walked into the bar and found that hick practically drooling over Kaylie’s ass, I’d had to restrain myself from tossing him out. It hadn’t mattered that she’d just been doing her job and that her shirt had probably increased her tips

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