ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance)

Free ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance) by Carly White Page A

Book: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance) by Carly White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carly White
didn’t know if you were afraid of him.”
    She just rolled her eyes. “I have been around those kinds of guys my whole life. You see what happens. I always get roped into the middle of something that I wanted to have nothing to do with. And Carl being the one that messed it all up is just typical.”
    Sam felt bad, but he did not allow her to talk to him like that. It didn’t matter how old she was. “Why were you even out to begin with?”
    She paused, remembering that she had promised him she would stay in until it blew over. Stella had of course done what she wanted to do though and she did feel a little bit like it was her fault. But she was as stubborn as he was and returned his glare as they drove back to the house.
    “We will talk about this later. I need to go get your brother after I drop you off. Can you please stay out of trouble?”
    “There wouldn’t be any trouble if…”
    “If what?”
    He was fuming and she didn’t want to push her luck. “Nothing dad. I am just tired and want to go home.”
    Sam took her answer as good as it was going to get and they drove the rest of the way in silence, both with their own thoughts.

Chapter 7
    Lance went home and was honestly annoyed that Dottie was still there. She was miffed that he had left with Stella, but the fact that she was gone seemed to appease her. Trying to distract him with sex, Lance found himself less enamored with her. Next to Stella, she seemed crude and just a little dumb. “Come on Lance. It has been too long.”
    He pushed her away softly when words and tone didn’t work. “Not now Dotty. It’s been a long night.”
    In truth he wanted her to leave, but didn’t see how he could get her to go. Lance didn’t mention her finding her own place again, but he did choose to sleep in his bedroom without her. He had been lately staying in the guest room with her, but he didn’t want her. Not then and Lance didn’t know if he would want her at all. There was something about seeing the two women together that showed him that he had been barking up the wrong tree. Even at her young age, Stella was already more of a woman.
    When he lay down he thought of her and the strange way that they had met and everything had worked out. Lance had a feeling it was fate and he couldn’t stop thinking that they were supposed to have met. A truce with Sam wasn’t immediately in the cards, but Lance suddenly wanted peace so that he could go for what he really wanted. He just suddenly realized who it was.
    Lance was almost dozed off when his phone rang. It was Billy and he was asking questions about how everything went. There was a second that there was disappointment in his voice, after he heard that everything had went okay. Lance no longer figured that it was him being paranoid.
    “Well that is good that it all worked out. We have a meeting with the Columbians around noon. Do you want me to pick you up?”
    “No, I think I am going to go down there myself.”
    Another pause. “Are you sure you want to go alone with everything going on with the Demons?”
    “It’s all worked out. It was just a misunderstanding and everything was put right. There is no need to go any further in that direction.”
    Lance was calling him off, but his second seemed to be having a hard time accepting it. When Lance thought about it, he realized that there had been some changes in the dynamic between the two of them. Lance tried to think of when it started, but he had never really questioned Billy’s loyalty.
    “I just don’t get it Lance.”
    “You don’t have to.”
    Another long pause, but this time the silence was deafening and Lance just knew. He didn’t know the who and why yet, but he took seeing it as a blessing. Before it was too late and his friend did something that he couldn’t fix. A thought went to his mind, a gut feeling and Lance thought he knew the who. But there was still a question of the why. That was the most important question.
    “Are you busy

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