ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance)

Free ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance) by Carly White Page B

Book: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance) by Carly White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carly White
    “Not really boss.” It was still too early to be considered morning, but too late to be night. The man had more than likely been doing something, trying to get information from Lance to give back to whoever it was that he was working for. Or had he went rogue and was wanting to take over what he had.
    “I need some information on Sam’s son.”
    It was the reaction that he was after, the one he hoped he wouldn’t get. “Because I am not done with him yet. I want them gone. It’s as simple as that.”
    Billy wasn’t saying anything on the other end and Lance waited for him to figure out what he was going to do. It was clear to Lance who his best friend was actually working for or with. Lance wondered then if Sam knew what his son was really up to. He couldn’t see the older man doing something so underhanded and Lance knew then that he was going to have to be the one to tell him. If not, it seemed like Carl and Billy were bound and determined to get the two gangs at war with each other. Lance wondered how it was going to play out in Carl’s mind. Billy at least should have known better.
    “Well I will see what I can find out boss.”
    “Thanks Billy. You have always been such a loyal friend.”
    “You too Lance.” Was there a bit of guilt that he heard?
    “Let me know if you hear anything Billy.”
    “I will.”
    Lance hung up and he couldn’t help but feel the sadness seeping in. He would have never thought that Billy was out to get him, but it was clear that he didn’t know what he thought he did. There were a few moments where he just sat there, trying to figure out what it was that he was going to do, but it was hard. He didn’t want to think about it and he had known Billy too long. It couldn’t just be pushed to the side, but he didn’t feel the same evil thoughts that he would if it was someone else. It wasn’t someone else, it was Billy.
    He decided to make a call and see if Sam would meet up with him. Lance wasn’t expecting Stella to answer and the sound of her voice sidetracked him. “Hello?”
    “Stella, this is Lance.”
    “Lance, it’s good to hear your voice.”
    He paused and it was him that didn’t have anything to say. She was too direct and there was little guile in her plain manner of speak. Lance found it much easier to deal with than Dotty, a person he had never particularly wanted to talk too much. He had always found it more useful to fill her mouth so she couldn’t speak at all.
    “Were you calling to take me out?”
    He wasn’t, but the plan suddenly sounded a lot better than an awkward conversation with her father. “When?”
    “Now. I need to get out of here. Carl is back and I don’t even want to look at him.”
    “Do you want me to come get you?”
    “No, you are still not the favorite person in this house. I will meet you somewhere. Is your girlfriend still at your house?”
    “Dotty is just staying there until she can find another place. She had to leave her last apartment suddenly.”
    “Uh huh, well regardless, I don’t really want to run into her again. I have something I need to tell you and it can’t be over the phone.”
    She sounded serious and Lance wondered what it was about. The bad feeling was back and it was fighting with the feelings of elation to see her again after he couldn’t keep her out of his mind.
    “We can meet where we met last night?”
    Stella kind of chuckled. It was a fairly nice way to word an abduction, but she wasn’t going to argue about it. “Okay that works. See you in a bit.”
    He hung up with mixed emotions, but the most common and strongest of them was anticipation to see her again. What had she done to him to make his mind so muddled and uncaring of anything else going on around him?

Chapter 8
    Stella was a little nervous, but it had seemed like a perfect time when he called. She had overheard her brother talking on the phone to someone the night before after she got home. He had plans in

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