A Heart for Rebel

Free A Heart for Rebel by Mia Natal

Book: A Heart for Rebel by Mia Natal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Natal
dropped me
off in front of Marissa’s apartment. Victor was already there to take me home. Wyatt
opened my door and offered me his hand. I reached out and clasped my hand with
his and we walked toward Victor.
    “Hi Victor, I hope
you haven’t been waiting long,” I said.
    “Not at all Reby,
baby,” he said.
    “Victor, I want you
to meet Wyatt. Wyatt, this is Victor, Bailey’s dad,” I said as a way of
    Victor reaches out
to shake Wyatt’s hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Wyatt. Rebel seems to
forget I’m her dad too.”
    “The pleasure is
all mine,” Wyatt said, confusion is written all over his face.
    “Victor isn’t
really my father, but in his heart I’m his daughter. So, I’ll rephrase my
introduction. Wyatt, meet my father, Victor.”
    Victor looks at me
and smiles tenderly, “That’s better, Reby.” He walks towards his car. “I’ll
just wait in the car.”
    Wyatt softly
brushed errant strands of my hair with his fingertips. My skin quivered from
his feathered touch. He gently cupped my jaw. His thumb caressed my cheeks. My
heartbeat quickened, I can feel the sensual energy that radiates off both our
bodies. He slowly lowered his lips towards mine and kissed my lips.
    “Sleep well, pretty
girl. I’ll see you in the morning,” he whispered and kissed me on the apple of
my cheek, walking back to his vehicle. I stood there in a daze. I touched my
fingertips to my lips. My body ached. My skin tingles with desire and I don’t
want this feeling to end. It hit me then that something has changed in me and I
will never be the person I once was…lost. I get in the car and Victor puts it
in drive.
    Victor parked his
truck in the driveway and kissed my cheek, “Good night sweetheart. I’m positive
Camille would like to hear about your date tonight.”
    “Good night,
Victor,” I said with a smile. I stepped into my darkened apartment, closing and
locking the door. I drop my purse, after taking my cellphone out, on the sofa. I
made my way down the short hallway without turning on the light. I entered my
bedroom and turned on the bedside lamp. I placed my phone on the nightstand. I
stripped off my clothes and put on a pair of shorts and tank top. I climbed
into bed and cover myself with a blanket. Thoughts of Wyatt are running rampant
through my mind. Every nerve is raw from his touch. Imaging just the barest
touch of his lips on mine set me aflame with desire. My whole body cried out to
have his body pressed against mine, skin upon skin…no barriers to hinder our
pleasure. Warmth, like molten liquid, coursed through me at the mere thought of
him. My body smolders, waiting for the time that he will fan the flames and
turn my desires into a raging inferno. I closed my eyes and imagined his hands
lovingly caressing me sensually. I can almost feel his lips grazing the back of
my neck, down my spine and over my buttocks. Those are my last thoughts as I
drift into a deep sleep. The constant ringing of my phone cuts through my sleep.
I reach for my phone and swipe the screen to accept the call. I mumble a sleepy
    “Hey, are you
asleep?” Marissa’s asked. I looked at my alarm clock and notice its two o’clock
in the morning.
    “No, I’m sky
diving. Of course, I was sleeping you idiot,” I sarcastically replied.
    “Well, how was the
date?” She asked ignoring my sarcasm.
    “Good night, Mari. We’ll
talk tomorrow,” I said before hanging up on her. I fall back to sleep and
before I know it Bailey is knocking on my door at the crack of dawn. I get out
of bed and open the door to let her in. She’s still in her sponge bob square
pants pajamas. Her hair is all ruffled and her eyes have that “I’m still
sleepy” look.
    “Good morning,
Munchkin. Isn’t kind of early to be out of bed?” I asked her.
    “Good morning,
Reby. I couldn’t wait a second longer. I just had to see you,” she exuberantly said
as she throws her arms around my legs for a hug. I lift her

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