Post Grid: An Arizona EMP Adventure
bright-white glow to the southwest. The stars shone more brightly than Kelly could ever remember. It was getting colder by the minute. When the sun sets on the desert, temperatures drop quickly.
    Kelly tried to stay warm by wrapping her coat around her legs, but even with the chaps, they were cold. The desert floor was cold. Sand didn't hold heat very long. The ground would pull any remaining warmth from her body if she lay on it without insulation. An alternative was to keep a fire going all night and stay near it. Exhaustion made that option unappealing; front hot, back icy, sitting up all night. A pack of coyotes howled and yipped in their eerie way, making the night seem colder and the location seem even more remote. Kelly turned her head and gazed at Jared.
    He was sleeping so soundly that he probably wouldn't mind if she shared “her” sleeping bag with him. Kelly reasoned that he had lost a lot of blood and could use her body heat to fend off hypothermia as well. Strong hands removed boots, belts, chaps and coat, and then a tired body slipped slowly into the bag behind Jared. It took some maneuvering to position the coat, with the guns in it, next to the head of the bed.
    Jared didn't move. Kelly's body fit his nicely, and the whole bag was warm and cozy. Slow, steady breathing joined the sounds of the nighttime desert and marked the rise and fall of his chest. Kelly felt warm all over. She snuggled closer to Jared than she probably needed to. Exhaustion enveloped her. She worried briefly about her wounded officer, then worried no more.
    Kelly woke when it was not yet dawn. Somehow she had turned over in the night and now Jared was behind her, with his bad arm draped over her. She dared not move unless she hurt him or startled him, which could be dangerous given their close proximity. It was still cold. The physical closeness evoked memories of a happier time. She lay there fantasizing that they were lovers lost in each other's arms. It wasn't hard to imagine.
    Jared's breathing changed from the slow, deep, steady breathing of someone asleep, to the shallow, quicker pace of someone who is awake, or at least on the verge of being awake, but he did not move or speak. Kelly lay there for a few more minutes before she felt Jared stir.
    “How's your shoulder?” she asked him quietly.
    “That doesn't surprise me. Hurt much?”
    “Yeah, some. I think I slept on it wrong, but I needed the sleep. I can manage.”
    Kelly eased her way out of the sleeping bag, pulling her coat over her shoulders.
    “Ugh,” Jared groaned softly.
    “Sorry, I was trying to be gentle.”
    “It's not your fault.”
    Jared lay in the sleeping bag for another few minutes, but then nature called. Kelly knew that relieving himself was going to be a challenge—not to mention painful—but she also knew Jared wasn't about to ask for help. Kelly watched out of the corner of her eye as Jared struggled out of the sleeping bag and made his way to the edge of camp.
    A few minutes passed. Jared called back, “I'm sorry to have to ask, but...” As Kelly got closer, she could see his difficulty. He had managed everything except re-buttoning his pants. She modestly lent a hand.
    Jared said softly, “I really appreciate everything you're doing for me.”
    “I'm a nurse, remember? I've done this for many people.”
    “No, I mean it.” Jared reached out with his good arm and touched her sleeve. “I couldn't make it without you. Your husband is a lucky man.”
    “I'm not married.”
    “I just assumed... you're wearing a ring.”
    “That's just for show, it's easier. I've never been married. Came close once. You?”
    “Me? No. Haven't found the right girl yet,” Jared said, averting his gaze.
    “Come on, you're in bad shape and we can talk while we ride. I've got to get us to Sunflower.”
    The two walked back to camp. Breakfast was quick and cold, a couple more granola bars and some soda, which had cooled considerably

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