The Tycoon's Resistant Lover

Free The Tycoon's Resistant Lover by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: The Tycoon's Resistant Lover by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
favor and in this instance, he wasn’t going to let Julianna get away with such a challenge. “Well, if you’re not going to let me occupy my hands by giving me dessert, then I guess I’ll just have to find other ways to put my hands to good use,” he said with a great deal of anticipation.
    Julianna’s head snapped around, her eyes wide with trepidation. She didn’t believe he’d actually do anything, but she was wrong once again. With a swift movement, he had her flat on her back with him looming over her, his strong arms on either side of her head while he held himself above her. “Are you going to relinquish some of the chocolates?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
    Julianna looked down at the box, counted out the chocolates, then looked back up at him. She knew she was playing with fire, but for some reason, she wanted to get burned tonight. With a slow smile, she pulled her hand out from his grip and shook her head while she covered the box with her hand, but not before popping another one into her mouth.
    James laughed, thrilled that she still wanted to play. He never would have expected a playful side to her. “In that case, I think I’ll just have to figure out a way to get some myself.” With that, he bent his head low and nibbled at her fingers, tickling her in that way while she giggled and tried to scoot away. He wouldn’t let her have that escape though, keeping her firmly underneath him while he pushed her hands out of his way with his nose, enjoying her laughter while he ‘accidentally’ tickled her more often than actually gaining a treat.
    “Okay! Okay! I give in,” she gasped, out of breath from his treatment. She immediately offered him one of the chocolates. She was expecting him to take it with his fingers, but he surprised and shocked her when he lowered his head and took it in his mouth from her own fingers. The lightning bolt of desire that shot through her body with the texture of his tongue on her fingers was frightening. Her mouth fell open and she stared at his mouth as he bit into the milk chocolate. She glanced up at his eyes and realized that he was feeling the exact same thing. She should move away, should tell him to give her some space. But somehow, neither of those things came out. She was transfixed by this desire, this need that kept her immobile, waiting for whatever might happen next.
    James watched her face, going as slowly as he could because she looked like a startled rabbit ready to bolt at the slightest movement. He knew she was scared but he would take care of her. Slowly, ever so slowly, he lowered his head and gently took her lips with his, not doing anything other than slightly kissing her, nibbling a moment then pulling back to make sure she was still with him.
    When she didn’t pull back or look upset, just laid there expectantly, he lowered his head once again and deepened the caress. When he felt her lips move under his, he knew that he’d won a very small victory. He waited for her to make the next move and he wasn’t disappointed. Her hands shifted, placing the box of chocolates to the side and then her fingers moved up to touch his hair, tangling and gently tugging, urging him to reciprocate.
    James tried hard to give her the lead, but it simply wasn’t in his nature and he took control, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her closer, his body already throbbing as his hand moved down her back and pressed her hips against his.
    He moved his mouth across her face to her cheek, nibbling on her ear lobe and loving the way she gasped, her hips rocking against his in an obvious effort to get closer, to feel him against her core. He groaned as the heat rushed through him with her movements. His hand slipped under her cashmere sweater and her soft, perfect skin was even more incredible than the soft wool. As his fingers moved higher, he was disappointed to find that she was wearing a bra today, but he felt the lace, the embroidery with his fingertips as he

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