More Than Life Itself

Free More Than Life Itself by Joseph Nassise

Book: More Than Life Itself by Joseph Nassise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Nassise
organs ingested over seven days. While it hadn't said what would happen if the ritual wasn't completed, Sam had no doubt that by its nature it wouldn't be good for it to be interrupted in midstream. Which meant Jessica was going to die, unless he could start the cycle all over again …
    Sam went berserk. He yanked on his bonds, trying to pull his arms and legs free. He twisted his wrists and rotated his ankles. He bent his neck and tried to bite the ropes that secured his chest to the back of the chair.
    None of it was any use.
    At last, exhausted, he slumped in his seat, gasping for breath.
    Despair rose and then buried him beneath its tide.
    At that moment the woman screamed, "Yes! Yes! There it is! Now, Gray, now!"
    Sam felt a sharp stab in his thigh, followed by pressure as something was injected into his system. Immediately, his muscles began to cramp and then stiffen. Like a slow, rising shadow, the numbness spread upward through his legs, to his hips, to his abdomen, rising higher with each passing second.
    He heard the pages of a book being turned, and the woman's voice came out of the darkness once more, rising with excitement until it reached the fevered pitch of exultation. "The seventh and final death - a heart stopped in the moment of despair. We've done it, Gray, we've done it. Jason will live!"
    Sam felt his heart seize, flutter, seize again.
    This time it did not restart.
    In that moment between the stillness of his heart and the pending death of his mind, before the darkness swept in and swallowed him whole, Sam Dalton came face to face with a harsh reality of life.
    Love was the most powerful of all human emotions, and in its name people would do horrible things. Lie, cheat, steal, even kill. It was clear that his captors were following another ritual, one similar to but slightly different from his own. Sam knew instinctively that it had come from a book, and he had little doubt from whom they had obtained it.
    Equally obvious was the fact that he wasn't the only person who loved someone more than life itself.
    More than their own life, or anyone else's, for that matter.
    The darkness closed around him one final time, and somewhere in its thunderous depths, he could hear an empty-eyed saviour laughing wildly.

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