Watched at Home

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Book: Watched at Home by Jean-Luc Cheri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean-Luc Cheri
spasmed around his intruding
    When I regained my senses, I saw Gwen was
still staring at me, her eyes wide from watching me come. I could
tell she was close, and sure enough, seconds later her body tensed
as her muscles corded, her face a grimace of ecstasy as she cried
out her pleasure.
    The guys continued to fuck us, like twin
locomotives, spreading us open with their invading cocks. My legs
went up around Joey’s back, opening myself further to him and
holding him in my embrace. My nails raked down his sides, and he
shuddered from the sensation. He was looking down at me with his
half-lidded green eyes, and a look of sensuous concentration on his
face. He may have had a wandering eye when it came to women, but
when you were with him like this, you had his complete
    He pulled out of me and placed his hands on
my hips, turning them. I knew what he wanted and turned over onto
my stomach, moving to my knees and raising my ass, while I turned
my face sideways and laid it on the bed. Gwen’s and my eyes met
again, and she got to watch my face as Joey’s cock once again found
my cuntal mouth, and drove into my clutching wetness in one hard
thrust. She smiled as she saw the pleasure fill me.
    Her hand left Tony’s shoulder and flopped
down on the bed, extended out to me. I slid mine over and took it,
squeezing it tightly in time with Joey’s thrusts against my ass. We
held hands, connected that way, sharing our mutual pleasure. I
found myself staring at her lips, so soft and swollen from her
desire, and I wondered what they would feel like against mine.
    Overcome with lust, I pushed up on my arms
slightly, and turned my body so that I was now close to her. Joey
continued to thrust, battering my ass with resounding slaps of his
hips, at I stared down into Gwen’s face. She smiled at me, as if
knowing what I desired and letting me know it was ok.
    Lowering my head, our lips were close, and I
could feel her warm breath on my skin. We both still moved with the
rhythm of the cocks in us, and our lips grazed against each
    I kissed her, and her lips were welcoming and
warm, so soft against mine. We shared a breath as I allowed the
sensuousness of the moment to flow through me. Other than my
experiment with Beth, being with another woman never really
intrigued me. And this wasn’t really like that. It was just us two
sharing the pleasure of being fucked.
    I felt her tongue against mine, and I sucked
on it gently. Joey’s cock was doing wonderful things to my cunt,
and I knew I was about to go off again. And, being familiar with
Joey’s rhythms, I knew he was getting close also. His fingers dug
into my hips, as he relentlessly jammed his cock into my clasping
    I slid my tongue between Gwen’s lips,
exploring her mouth as she moaned softly. I felt a hand on my
breast and my nipple being pinched, and I realized it was her. I
returned the favor, squeezing her rubbery nub and enjoying the
resulting gasp in my mouth.
    My pussy churned around Joey’s brutal cock,
and I felt my own juices running down my thighs. My inner muscles
rippled up and down his length, preparing for the imminent
    Gwen surprised me by coming first, her orgasm
forcing a high-pitched groan from her lips, as her fingers cruelly
abused my nipple. That sent me over, and my body jerked back
against Joey, causing his thickness to press deep, filling me
completely as my cunt violently spasmed around it. I continued to
kiss Gwen as I cried out my ecstasy, feeling wave after wave of
pleasure wash over me.
    Then Joey was coming. His hands tightened
painfully on my skin, and I felt his cock swell inside of me as he
began jetting his seed deep. He growled out a groan as his back
arched and locked, his hips firmly lodged against my ass. Feeling
this, I felt a second orgasm beginning, and my body jerked and
thrashed as it blasted through me. As I cried out again, I heard
another groan join in, which signaled Tony’s eruption.
    I held

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