Watched at Home

Free Watched at Home by Jean-Luc Cheri

Book: Watched at Home by Jean-Luc Cheri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean-Luc Cheri
catching his breath.
“Either you’ve been practicing, or my memory is shot, because I
don’t ever remember it being that good.” He looked down at me in
    I grinned proudly up at him. He reached down
and wiped a line of his cum off of my cheek with his thumb, and I
opened her mouth so he would feed it to me, licking it clean.
    He pulled me up and slid his hand back into
my bottoms. I was sopping now, soaking the crotch of the silky
material. I gripped his bicep with my hand and closed my eyes,
enjoying the pleasure for a moment.
    But after a few seconds, I pushed him away.
“Not now. Let’s check on Tony and Gwen.”
    “They can take care of themselves,” he said
with a grin, pulling up his suit.
    “I know. But it’s kind of rude for us to just
leave them there alone.”
    “Whatever,” he said, and put his arm around

Chapter 10
    When we walked out, we were surprised to see
Tony and Gwen were missing. They weren’t at the table, or in the
pool. They either left, or were in the house.
    Joey chuckled. “I told you they could take
care of themselves.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “What do you think I mean. Tony tells me her
little pussy goes nonstop. They’re probably in the house giving it
a workout.”
    “Where in the house?”
    He shrugged. “How should I know? Let’s go
check.” He began to pull me towards the door.
    I resisted. “Maybe we should give them some
    “Come on. We’ll satisfy your curiosity about
where they are, then we’ll come back out here and finish what we
    I grinned at him. “Is that a promise?”
    “Oh yeah. We’re definitely not done yet. Come
    I allowed him to pull me into the house, and
I expected to see the couple on one of the living room couches,
fucking their brains out, but they weren’t around. I checked all
the rooms downstairs, but each was empty.
    A thought occurred to me. What if they were
in Shane’s room? If so, he would have another video waiting for him
when he got home.
    We walked up the stairs and checked my room
first. It was clear.
    “Hey,” Joey said, “remember the time I snuck
in here while Shane was downstairs?”
    “Of course.”
    “You came quick that night.”
    I grinned. “Nice of you to remember. Let’s
    We walked down the hall to Shane’s room. The
door was closed.
    “You sure you want to do this?” I asked.
    He shrugged. “We’ll just check and
    “Ok.” I turned the knob quietly and opened
the door. The bed was to the side, so we stepped in and leaned
around the door. Yep, they were here.
    Tony was lying back on the bed, and Gwen was
straddling him, moving her ass up and down on his cock. She hadn’t
been exaggerating, it was big. It stretched her little pussy wide
as she rode it up and down, her head thrown back in passion. They
hadn’t noticed us yet.
    Although we had told ourselves that we would
leave once we saw where they were, we both stood there staring at
the couple on the bed. My eyes were fixed on their bodies – how
they moved together and where they were joined. Gwen’s ass moved
like a slow piston as her pussy swallowed his thick tool over and
    I glanced at Joey, and he was staring at the
same spot I was, his eyes locked on them in a glaze of lust. He
looked at me and gave me his sexy smile, which I returned.
    He stepped behind me and took me in his arms,
pressing his newly hardening cock against my ass. His lips were
warm on the side of my neck as he bent down and kissed me there,
while reaching up to cup my breasts in his strong hands. I gasped
as his fingers found my hard nipples and squeezed them through my
bikini top.
    I ground my ass back against him, showing my
approval, and his hands moved up and back down again, sliding
between my top and my warm breasts, cupping their soft flesh,
pinching my nipples between his fingers. His teeth nibbled at my
neck, and I reached back and gripped his stiff cock through his
    The couple on

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