Naked Lies

Free Naked Lies by Ray Gordon

Book: Naked Lies by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: naked, ray gordon, hardcore porn
savouring the hot, sticky phallus... The nightmare was
    "Not tonight,
Mat," I finally replied.
    "Why not?"
    "Den's OK.
He's a nice chap, you should get to know him."
    "I do know him." Intimately!
    "No, I mean,
get to know him properly. He is our neighbour, after all."
    "I really
don't feel like entertaining, Mat."
    "I'll tell you
what, I'll do the cooking. How's that sound?"
    It sounded
dreadful, but worse, where was the bloody photograph? I couldn't
take much more mental harassment. I had to come up with an excuse
for not having Den to dinner. But the priority was to find my
obscene portrait before Mat did. The hurt would kill him.
    "It's not the
cooking," I proffered, searching the room. "It's just that I... I
want us to have an evening together, Mat. You were away all last
night and..."
    "To be honest,
I wanted Den's advice on some financial matters. Having him round
for dinner would give me the opportunity to talk to him."
    "I suppose
so," I finally conceded, realizing that there was no way out of
    "Great. Well,
I'd better get going. I'll be home around six."
    "OK, I'll see
you later."
    "I'll pop into
Den's and tell him."
    "All right,
I'll see you this evening."
    As Mat left, I
held my hand to my head in anguish. I felt as if I was imprisoned
between the two men - Mat on one side and Den on the other. How
could I play the smiling hostess and sit at the same table as my
husband and my blackmailer? But I'd do it, I decided. I'd play my
role to perfection and not allow Den to get to me. He'd quietly
threaten and tease, I knew, but I'd not allow him to rile or upset
    I felt that
things were changing as I searched for the photograph. Strangely, I
seemed to be rising above the situation, almost delighting in the
illicit sex and the danger. I was changing, changing so much that I
found myself looking forward to the evening. Den would try and
embarrass me, but I'd play him at his own game and humiliate him. I
might even wear my short skirt without panties and flash my cunt at
him when Mat wasn't looking. God, what was I thinking? Was I going
    I searched
everywhere for the elusive photograph, without success. Reckoning
that Den had taken it, my stomach somersaulted as I observed the
bananas in the fruit bowel. My cunt wetter than ever, aching for
attention, I inhaled deeply. This was no time for masturbation!
Somehow, I had to turn my thoughts away from sex.
    I busied
myself throughout the day, laying the table in the dining room,
taking a shower and dressing in a very short skirt and loose blouse
for the evening. A powerful sense of wickedness gripped me as I
practised sitting in the armchair with my skirt up and my thighs
slightly parted. My vaginal crack displayed, I was innocent in my
    I was going to
be in control that evening. With my knickerless cunt, I was going
to call the shots. Den would obviously have made his plans, but
he'd have the shock of his life when I flashed my pussy slit at him
at every opportunity. He'd become confused, wondering who was
supposed to be blackmailing whom, why I was deliberately placing my
marriage on the line by taking such risks with Mat around. Elation,
as well as arousal, gripped me.
    With the time
nearing six, I was ready. I'd thought Den would arrive before Mat,
just to tease me, but I was wrong. Mat turned up early, somewhat
over excited about the evening, although I didn't know why. I
finally concluded that he was looking forward to some neighbourly
financial enlightenment. I was looking forward to some neighbourly
    Mat praised
me, my efforts in the dining room and the way I'd dressed. Of
course, he had no idea that I wasn't wearing any knickers! I'd not
bothered to wear a bra, either. Leaning forward slightly when Mat
wasn't looking, my blouse falling open, my elongated nipples were
clearly visible. I felt horny as never before. My cunt wetting, my
vaginal juice creaming my inner thighs, I needed to come.
    I might

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