
Free Badlanders by David Robbins Page A

Book: Badlanders by David Robbins Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Robbins
curious,” Alexander said. “What would you have done earlier if Scar Wratner or one of those others had resorted to their six-shooters?”
    â€œI’d have let Jericho handle it but been ready to back his play.”
    â€œLoyalty to a friend is commendable,” Alexander said, “so long as it doesn’t get you killed.”
    â€œAnd even if it does,” Neal said. “Stickin’ by those we care for is the mark of a man.” He caught himself and added, “Or a woman.”
    â€œThat’s your measure of manhood?” Isolda said derisively. “There’s more to life than loyalty.”
    â€œIf there is,” Neal said, “I haven’t made its acquaintance.”
    â€œDoes that apply to wives and families?” Edana asked casually.
    â€œIf it didn’t, it’d be a worthless proposition,” Neal said.“A wife and young’uns deserve the best a man can give them.”
    â€œA commendable attitude,” Edana said. “You have my sincere esteem.”
    â€œLordy, ma’am.”
    â€œI beg your pardon?”
    â€œI’m not used to all the big words you three sling around,” Neal said with a good-natured smile. “Must be all that book learnin’.”
    â€œHow many books have you read, Mr. Bonner?”
    â€œYou heard me,” Edana said. “I’m curious to learn how many books you’ve read in your lifetime.”
    â€œAll the way through?”
    â€œIs there any other way to read a book?”
    â€œBits and pieces,” Neal said.
    Isolda laughed. “Isn’t he wonderful?”
    â€œI’m waiting for an answer,” Edana said. “Have you read so many that you can’t count them?”
    â€œSort of the opposite, ma’am,” Neal said. “I haven’t ever read a book all the way through. The closest I’ve come is the Bible, but that’s mostly from hearin’ it spoke about a lot.”
    â€œNot one book in your entire lifetime? How is that possible?”
    Neal shrugged. “In the part of Texas where I grew up, there wasn’t much schoolin’. Oh, my ma taught me to read and write, which has come in handy. But I’ve never owned a book in my life.”
    â€œThere wasn’t a schoolhouse you could attend?”
    â€œThe nearest, as I recollect, was a hundred miles away or better,” Neal said. “A right far piece to go to every mornin’ and make it home in time for supper.”
    Alexander chuckled. “I do believe our foreman has just poked a hole in your pretensions, my dear.”
    â€œWhat’s pretentious about an education? How can he be as good at his job as they say he is if he’s barely literate?”
    Neal answered for himself. “The important thing is that I’m smarter than the cows. If I was dumber, I’d be worthless.”
    Laughing, Alexander said, “Well countered. You must be careful, my dear. I’ve heard that cowboy wit can be sharp.”
    â€œIt’s not his wit so much as you love to see us put in our place,” Isolda said.
    â€œWhat a terrible thing to say. When do I ever do that?”
    â€œAll the time, Father,” Isolda said. “It’s either your way or no way, from how we dress to how we live.”
    â€œThat’s not entirely true,” Edana said. “All he asks is that we comport ourselves as ladies. Beyond that, Father never imposes boundaries.”
    â€œThen why do I feel like I have shackles on my ankles?”
    â€œIsolda!” Alexander said. “That will be quite enough. You’re giving Mr. Bonner the wrong impression. Yes, I’m a taskmaster, but only at my work, not with my family.”
    â€œIf you say so.” Isolda had brought it up before and been treated the same way. It both amused and angered her that her sister always sided with their father. She was amused because Edana was too

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