The Vanishing Stone

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Book: The Vanishing Stone by Keisha Biddle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keisha Biddle
gift. That's much more than what the alternative could have been.
                    “Wow!” Raphael gasped.
                    “Wow, what?”
                    “You really are something. Not everyone would notice something like that. There's something that everyone seems to not notice about you; that you are wise. You're very smart.”
                    “Oh, no. I'm not that smart. Really.” Nikoleta said humbly.
                    “Being humble is also a good quality,” He said.
                    They continued holding hands as they arrived at the beach. It was dark, but Nikoleta could see the moon and stars shining down on the water. They weren’t actually on the beach; they were on a cliff above.
                    “Wow! We're so far up!” Nikoleta exclaimed with her eyes wide. The moon was shining so bright and big on the ocean below. It was beautiful. Nikoleta had never seen such a beautiful night.
                    They sat down close to the edge of the cliff. Nikoleta, then, had a crazy thought that Raphael would push her off the edge. Don’t be absurd, Nikki ! she thought to herself.
                    “Beautiful view, isnt it?” Raphael asked placing his arm around her. “Yes it is. I have never seen anything like it.” She scooted closer to him.
                     “So, Raphael, you know all these things about me but I don’t know anything about you?”
                    “Well, what would you like to know?” He asked her.
                    “Um, where are you from and what's your family like?” That was the first thing to pop in her mind.
                    “I was actually born here, in the house I live in. I have no siblings, unfortunately. My mother passed away when I was seven and my father when I was twenty.”
                    “Oh, my goodness, I am so sorry...” Nikoleta felt heartbroken for him.
                    “No need to apologize, sweetheart, you've done nothing wrong. In a way, we are both orphans. Well, now you aren’t , but you know what I mean.”
                  “I can’t imagine what you have been through, Raphael. Knowing your parents and then losing them. That's terrible," Nikoleta frowned.
                  “Your situation is terrible too, my dear. I can’t imagine wondering about my parents my whole life. Knowing is half the battle, Nikki.”
                    “I guess you are right, but it doesn’t make your experience any less painful," Nikoleta sighed.
                     “Very true. You know, sometimes you have to walk through someone else's path to truly understand. And if you let me, Nikoleta Daniella Soter, I'd like to walk your path with you.”
                    Raphael put his fingers under her chin again and looked into her eyes, “Is this a marriage proposal, Mr. McGinn?” Nikoleta asked with a laugh. Raphael laughed softly, “No, Miss Soter. But you never know what can happen.”
                     He leaned in closer and kissed her on the lips. Nikoleta didn’t know what to think. She had never kissed someone before. But this was perfect. It was her first kiss under a moon like this, what could be better?
    Raphael took his lips away and stared at her. She stared back at him. Suddenly, they heard foot steps. Turning around, they saw a man about fourty years old with a black beard and long gray hair.
                    “That's a lovely lady you have there,” the man said with an evil grin. Raphael stood up and pulled a knife from his boot, “You stay away from her!” he yelled.
                     The man then tried to run up to Nikoleta and Raphael knocked him down by pushing the man's chest and stopping him in his tracks. The man got up

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