
Free Desires by Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise

Book: Desires by Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise
his job. It wasn't his fault if she had developed feelings for him.
But the realisation that he had no feelings for her whatsoever made her feel
ten times worse.
    Dan exited the bathroom, pulling the door shut behind
    Stacie curled up in a ball, not feeling too good about herself.
She was supposed to be here to build up her confidence. Instead, she felt like
a stripper. Even Graham had never made her feel like that.
    Stacie knew she was taking it all too much to heart. She’d
had no idea what to expect from Desires. Maybe she had taken on far too much,
and got too involved.
    She climbed out the bath, switching on the main light
and blowing out the candles. She had a quick shower, rinsing off the bubbles
and trying to scrub away her shame. What would the next lesson entail? Did she
want there to be a next lesson? Maybe she should just cut her losses and go
    Robed and towel-turbaned, Stacie headed back into the
main room. There was no sign of Dan. As he’d promised, he had left her to it. She
sat down at the dresser to dry her long brown hair, considering her next move.
She straightened her hair, re-applied her makeup then sprayed her body in her
favourite perfume.
    She put on the other lingerie set she had bought. The
bra was a powerful push and plunge one. Her boobs were already a good size, but
a little help never hurt. The matching knickers were French style, all in lace.
On went her grey straight-legged jeans with a roll neck, deep red sweater that
clung to her slender figure and had the added benefit of making her breasts look
    Stacie was finishing off the final touches when the door
opened. Reflected in the mirror, she saw Dan enter.
    “How was the bath?”
    “I ended up in the shower,” she told him bluntly.
    He paused, looking at her reflection keenly. “Is
everything all right?” he said, walking behind her to sit on the edge of the
    “Everything’s fine.”
    “You sound annoyed.”
    Stacie didn’t bother replying.
    “What would you like to do next?” he asked cautiously,
while she touched up her lip gloss.
    “I quite fancy getting out for a little air.”
    “We can take a walk around the grounds,” he said, standing
up easily. She watched him, trying to keep hold of her annoyance, and wishing
she didn’t find him so damned attractive.
    Stacie stood up and put on her boots and coat, while Dan
waited at the door for her. They headed out and Dan closed the door behind her.
They walked down the corridor toward the staircase. As they arrived at the top,
Stacie looked ahead seeing the dimly-lit corridor continue on.
    “What’s down there?”
    “Just more rooms,” he said.
    She glanced back at Dan, seeing him starting down the lavish
    Dan acknowledged both the receptionists. The younger of
the girls, her breasts bulging out of the top of her tight blouse, stood up as
they approached. She winked at Dan and he walked over to her, kissing her on
the cheek. Stacie felt acid jealousy swirl in her guts. She wanted to say
something, but how could she? He wasn’t hers.
    She stood waiting for him as he had a quiet word with
the receptionist. Stacie turned her head away, hating the fact she was green-eyed.
She saw the corridor that led down to the left where Angel’s office was,
noticing a large wooden door to the right with a huge handle. A little further
around there was another area with seats and two massive double doors in solid
dark wood.
    “Coming, Stacie?” She heard Dan’s voice and then,
wearing a long leather coat, he walked past her to the double doors on the
right and opened them. He waved to the receptionist. Stacie scowled, turning
her head to look at the girl, who positively glowed, a happy smile splitting
her face.
    Through the door was another long corridor, lined with silver
Louis chairs upholstered in cream. The walls were adorned with cream flowered
wallpaper, and hung with large pictures of flowers and leaves. Like the
corridors upstairs, many unmarked

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