Tex's Revenge: Military Discipline, Book Two

Free Tex's Revenge: Military Discipline, Book Two by Loki Renard

Book: Tex's Revenge: Military Discipline, Book Two by Loki Renard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loki Renard
nice. That didn't mean it was nice though.
    Tiring of the view, Zora started rummaging around the room. A chest of drawers revealed some simple clothing, underwear in her size as well as a few shirts and skirts. She divested herself of her clothing and settled for wearing a singlet and her panties. It was warm enough to do so and there was no point in pretending that she had dignity anymore anyway. Tex had seen absolutely everything she had and he'd barely raised a brow at the sight. Maybe he was gay. He did dress well and his hair did have a certain floppy foppishness to it. That thought assuaged her bruised ego somewhat.
    The room held a few treats in addition to the basics, there was a pile of books, all old adventure books written some time in the 1950's. It seemed like a strange choice for a prisoner, but with nothing else to take her mind off her capture, she settled down on the bed with a novel about a fighter pilot who was jolly good at everything and frequently got mixed up in very dangerous missions.
    About an hour later, Tex reappeared. In spite of the fact that he was the one who'd locked her up, she smiled when he walked through the door, thoroughly relieved to see him.
    “I see you're comfortable,” he said, taking in her bare legs and underwear clad bottom with a slightly raised brow.
    She shrugged. “I'm not going to wear those ugly skirts.”
    He shook his head vigorously at her incorrigible attitude, dumping his hair into his eyes. He pushed it out of the way with one hand whilst the other stayed on his hip in an authoritarian pose. “Young lady, you are a great deal of trouble.”
    A little grin sneaked onto her face. “That's your problem, not mine.”
    “I suppose I'll have to spank it out of you,” he said, coming towards her.
    She squealed when he sat at the corner of the bed, grabbed her and dragged her over his lap. She found herself with her bottom very high and her head very low. His big hand settled across her pantied behind and patted it in a friendly fashion. “Am I going to have to spank you, Miss Matthews?”
    “No!” She squealed, wriggling over his thighs.
    “I hope not,” he said. He gave her a few lazy swats for good measure regardless, stinging her bottom with light smacks that did not hurt at all, but did a great deal to remind her that she was in his care.
    She wriggled off his lap and took refuge at the head of the bed, scowling at him playfully. He'd somehow managed to completely take her mind off her situation. From being so scared at the prospect of being locked up she had vomited at the side of the road to squirming around on her jail bed in her underwear, she'd come a long way and it was all because of him.
    He flickered a wink at her and she broke into a shy smile. She was all locked up far away from anyone she knew, but this suave man with his no-nonsense attitude and patient demeanor was making her feel incredibly safe. “I'm glad you're settling down,” he smiled, praising her. “Things will be as pleasant for you here as you allow them to be.”
    “What about for Savage?”
    “You mean, for the man you hate who used you and abandoned you?” Tex raised a stern brow at her and made a tutting sound. “You really must learn to keep your lies straight little girl, you are far too eager to learn the fate of a man you pretend to hate.”
    Zora stuck her tongue out. “Just because I want to know what you're going to do to him doesn't mean I care about him.”
    “I think you'll find it does,” Tex contradicted her. “You're not a very good liar I'm afraid Zora. Better to stick to the truth with me, you'll find it much easier on that hide of yours.”
    Zora withdrew her tongue and bit it. She was tempted to boast that she was a very good liar indeed and very talented besides, but that would not likely help her cause at all. Still, she couldn't help but fantasize a little about how grand it would be to declare that she was the one who had disarmed the nuke. He

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