Heart of the Druid Laird

Free Heart of the Druid Laird by Barbara Longley

Book: Heart of the Druid Laird by Barbara Longley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Longley
customers away like you did before,” Zoe whispered urgently behind him. “Sidney wouldn’t like it, and neither would I.”
    Dermot spun around to glare at Zoe. Thomas stood behind her. “What have you told her, Thomas?”
    “What I tell Zoe is none of your business.”
    “Ah, but it is.” He took a step toward him, and the urge to throttle his cousin tested his resolve.
    “Zoe has a right to know.” Thomas met his glare with one of his own and took a step forward. “Do you no’ recognize her, Druid?”
    Dermot studied the petite blonde. “I do, and it makes no difference. What are you playing at here? She canna help us. You had no right to tell her anything without checking with me first.”
    “This involves her.”
    “As usual, you have no’ thought this through.” Dermot turned to Zoe. “You’ve talked to Sidney haven’t you? That’s why she’s no’ here.”
    “Nuh-uh,” Zoe protested. “I haven’t said a thing. Thomas made me swear.”
    Dermot leaned toward her, staring deep into the pool of her soul through her eyes. He placed his hand on her shoulder and altered the vibrational pitch of his voice. “You will tell me where she is.”
    “I…I don’t know where Sidney is. She wouldn’t say.”
    “Dammit.” Thomas shoved him away. “Do no’ use your Druidy hocus-pocus on Zoe.”
    Fuming, Dermot scowled at his cousin while directing his comment to Zoe. “Has Thomas told you what will happen in the end, lass?”
    “What end? The end of the story?”
    “Nay.” Leaning close so no one else would hear, Dermot whispered. “The end of the curse.”
    “No.” Zoe’s eyes flew to Thomas. “What happens in the end?”
    His cousin’s body tensed. It gave Dermot a moment’s satisfaction before the hollow ache took over. He wanted Sidney. The need to find her overwhelmed him.
    “Sod off, Dermot.” Thomas took Zoe’s hand and started to lead her out of the store.
    “Have you given any thought about what will happen should Sidney flee, Thomas?”
    His cousin stopped and raked a hand through his hair. He shot Dermot a baleful glance before continuing on his way, Zoe in tow.
    “Why do I feel like there’s a story here?” David wondered aloud beside him.
    “Because there is.” Dermot turned to him. “I need to find your sister. Where is she?”
    “Sorry, man.” David shrugged. “She really didn’t say where she’d be. Even if she had, she’s my sister. I look out for her.”
    “Admirable. I canna fault you for wanting to protect her.” What else could he say? I need her to lift a curse I’ve been under for sixteen and a half centuries? Oh, yes, and I can hardly walk because of the hard-on I’ve had since first laying eyes on her. Dermot reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a business card. “Here’s a number where I can be reached. Please ask your sister to call me.”
    “You know she won’t.”
    “I don’t suppose you’d give me her number?”
    “No.” David shook his head. “It wouldn’t do you any good anyway. She won’t answer an unfamiliar number.”
    “I thought as much.” Dermot took a deep breath to calm himself. “I mean her no harm, David. I hope you believe me.”
    “I can’t say what I believe. I don’t have any idea what this is about. Whatever it is, it’s causing Sidney to lose sleep, and that bugs me.”
    Losing sleep? Could it be memories of their past life together were awakening within her? If so, her anger might prevent her from helping him. Perhaps that was why she’d taken so long to be reborn. She couldn’t forgive him. Or…could desire be the cause of her lack of sleep? Gods knew he suffered.
    Dermot nodded, his mind already on his search. He knew where she lived. Perhaps he could catch her coming or going. If not, he had other means at his disposal. More akin to a stalking she’d said. So be it. Matters couldn’t get much worse, and he needed to do something to escape the horrible emptiness filling him.

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