The Millionaire's Redemption

Free The Millionaire's Redemption by Margaret Tanner

Book: The Millionaire's Redemption by Margaret Tanner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Tanner
“Ouch, you cruel little thing.”
    “Don’t hurt Justin,” Holly said, following him into his office. It appeared sparsely furnished with just an antique desk and two black wing-backed leather armchairs. A state-of-the art computer rested on the desk along with several manila folders and a pile of papers.
    “Sit down, Holly. You’re like a cat on hot bricks.”
    “You make me nervous. I feel so inadequate sometimes.” She scrubbed her fingers through her hair as she sat down and tried not to stare at him.
    He sat Lilly on the floor and took a seat. With his hair ruffled, it gave him a more relaxed appearance, made him seem younger, almost carefree.
    “Don’t keep putting yourself down. I’m sorry about dashing off at lunch. You rattle my cage sometimes and make me feel things I shouldn’t.” He gave a depreciating grimace. “It couldn’t work between us,” he said gently. “I can’t give you what you’re looking for, what you have every right to expect from a man.”
    Her shoulders slumped making her seem even smaller than before.
    “I can only offer you friendship.” He picked up her hand and cradled it between his own. How small and soft it felt. Like Holly herself, soft as marshmallow. Of course she wanted more. A man would have to be blind not to read it in her eyes. The pain and longing. She wanted someone to love, someone to replace the young soldier she had lost, and that sure as hell wasn’t him.
    He should banish her from his life, but somehow couldn’t. He wanted to keep an eye on her and Lilly. What a load of crap. He wanted to cuddle her, take her to bed, kiss and caress every inch of her delectable little body, and then make wild passionate love to her. Wanted to light the fire he instinctively knew smoldered below the surface. Like tinder dry grass, once it came into contact with a naked flame, it would flare up and race out of control. That was Holly’s way. No half measures – all or nothing. He couldn’t give her the all, so it had to be nothing.
    It was hard when he craved the taste of those sweet pink lips and the feel of her silky hair as he dribbled it between his fingers. Her body would be soft and yielding as he cuddled her close, warm, sensuous, sweetly perfumed. He crossed his legs to dampen down on his male ardor.
    Saved. Not by the bell, but Lesley coming in with the tea. He almost laughed at the irony of the situation.
    “ P ut the tray on the desk, thanks.”
    As his PA disappeared through the door, from the corner of one eye, he saw Lilly knock over his bin. Giving a squeal of delight, she dug her fingers into the pile of crumpled pieces of paper.
    Holly jumped up. “No, you can’t wreck Justin’s things.”
    “She’s all right. Sit down and drink your tea. There’s nothing in there that can hurt her.” Lilly was a cute little bundle of mischief. “As long as she doesn’t try eating it. The ink mightn’t agree with her.” He grinned.
    Holly’s heart nearly catapulted out of her chest. What a devastatingly handsome man. Strong jawed, lean-angled face and sensuous, to-die-for lips. He did it without even trying. She struggled to dampen down on the warmth seeping into every pore of her being. A widow with a small child shouldn’t be lusting after a man even if he was Adonis and Superman rolled into one.
    She poured milk into her tea with a trembling hand, and the hurried gulp of hot liquid burnt her mouth.
    “Would you care for a biscuit?”
    As he proffered the plate, she had the distinct impression he knew the effect he had on her.
    “No thanks.” She loved chocolate biscuits but wouldn’t be able to eat so much as a mouthful. It took a superhuman effort to drink the tea. She couldn’t believe he could get her into such a state of tension by merely looking at her with his cool, assessing gray eyes. She was an amusing distraction for him, someone so different from his usual type of woman she could have come from another planet. She forgot that at her

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