Making the Grade

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Book: Making the Grade by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary
which was tied up in the back and clipped up the front. She wanted him to have easy access no matter which way she faced.
    When he slid his fingers between her folds, she swayed and clasped his arms. He let her go, his gaze fixed to her face.
    “Push my shirt off,” he ordered. He watched her with eyes of blue steel. This play might only extend to the bedroom, but it was a part of Brian that showed her more of the man behind the name.
    “Yes, Sir.” She did and sighed as its absence exposed his amazing build. He had to work out, because his muscular chest couldn’t be the result of endless boardroom meetings. He had a light sprinkle of blond hair over his chest that carried down his navel and lower. She licked her lips.
    “Now touch me. Everywhere. Learn my body.”
    She did, stroking his arms, his chest, his neck. She followed with a kiss, then peeked up at him.
    “Suck my nipples. Give me tiny bites.” She heard him hiss his appreciation. “That’s it. Show me how you like to be touched and kissed.” She did, and he was soon moaning under her seduction… Until he grabbed her by the hair.
    She stilled, incredibly turned on by his strength.
    “Naughty slave. Trying to take over.” His chest heaved, and his cock jutted from his pants as he brushed against her. “Stand up straight, and keep those legs wide.”
    When he dropped to his knees, she wanted to thank the universe for finally finding her a man she actually liked being with. “Brian… Sir.”
    He stared at her bare mound. “You shaved.”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    He said nothing more. Then his mouth was over her clit, stroking with a firm tongue while he sucked her into a heady, overwhelming orgasm in seconds.
    She shattered and gripped his shoulders to keep from falling while she keened.
    He eased a finger inside her. “You taste so sweet.”
    “B-Brian. God.”
    He kissed her once more, then stood. “Take my pants off.”
    She did, bending down, still shaky, while removing them. When she would have stood again, he put a hand to her head. “No, kneel down.”
    Her recent orgasm had faded, and a new thrill shook her. Obeying Brian turned out to be as invigorating as she’d imagined. She felt his power, yet when she pleased him, she seemed to have the upper hand.
    “We should have had this discussion before. Are you on birth control?” he asked.
    “Yes.” She knew what she was agreeing to by admitting that.
    “Thank God. I know you’re clean. You aren’t the type to not be careful.”
    “Neither am I. I always use protection, and I’m fanatical about my health. But I don’t want a condom with you. I want to fill you up, everywhere.”
    She had a hard time breathing, her heart threatening to race out of her chest.
    “Suck me, Faith. Put those shiny lips around my cock and swallow my come.”
    She moaned as she took him between her lips and tasted him. His excitement was a palpable thing. She felt so feminine, so desired, as she learned what he liked. She took as much of him as she could before gagging, and he immediately eased.
    “Breathe through your nose. I want to hit the back of your throat,” he growled. “Ease me, Faith.”
    She wanted to, so badly. He took his time, and from the way he shook, she knew he wanted to fuck her hard. But he moved in slow increments, until she had the whole of him in her mouth, sliding between her lips.
    “Yeah, more. I need to come, baby. Take your master. That’s it.”
    She tightened her lips around him and stroked his thighs, then cupped his balls.
    “Swallow me. Fuck. I’m coming, Faith.” He swore again and jerked as he flooded her mouth with seed.
    She swallowed him, taking control while he was helpless to stem his orgasm. Once she’d swallowed every drop, she released him from her mouth.
    “A bit more,” he rasped and held himself to her lips.
    She saw the drop clinging to his slit and licked him dry, delighted with his shudder and the way he moaned her name.
    “Faith. Faith.”

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