The Taming of Taylon

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Book: The Taming of Taylon by Leila Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leila Brown
Tags: Romance
and gone back to the Andromeda Waiting Station. This trip had cost them all of their saved credits, but they could work to earn more.
    Taylon shook her head to let go of the what ifs. She needed to deal with the reality in front of her. She stood defiant as she stared out into a sea of glowing eyes. Beasts. Beautiful beasts, each and every one. Faces that rivaled those carved from exquisite porcelain lined the walls of the hall.
    She wasn’t stupid, though. The handsome faces didn’t fool her. Strip away the well muscled human exteriors and she would find the true beast lurking close to the surface.
    * * *
    Bracken, Ruler of the Balthazar Mountains, inspected the offerings from a vantage point above his circling brethren. There were several new additions to the Gathering this evening. The scent of the innocents called out to him. Growls of warning emanated from the elders toward the impatient young Changelings. If he didn’t intervene there would be more than virgin blood spilled this night.
    Jumping down from his hiding place, Bracken strode toward the untouched women. He barely passed the outer ring of the youngest of his kind when a scent tickled the back of his throat. He inhaled, filling his lungs, trying to pull in more of the intoxicating smell. The closer he drew to the human females, the stronger the scent. His blood quickened his pulse and surged to his cock. Looking down in amazement, he watched as his dick lifted his leather pants and stretch them tight.
    How is this possible ? None of his kind felt passion without feeding from a woman while indulging in her lust. He gave a mental push, warning others of his kind to keep out of his path. He strode to the inner ring of the females, marveling as his desire heightened with each step.
    Tonight’s crowd of available females mirrored every other Gathering he’d attended. The experienced women beckoned to the particular man of their choice. The inexperienced ones clung to each other in the center, their fear a palpable thing. It warred with the sweet scent permeating the air. Each intake of breath stirred the beast within.
    Several of the more excited males entered the female mob and chose their evening’s entertainment. Bracken skimmed the inner circle of women. Not one of the women whose eyes he stared into was aware of her sexual power. And he did not feel like teaching them. He was excited for the first time since his change, and he refused to waste such a gift. He would select one or two of those ready and willing for the pleasure he could deliver. Bracken turned and looked out over the more experienced women.
    He raised his hand to beckon a couple of the women he’d been with before when he caught sight of a head of bronze curls turning away from him. She stood at the edge of the mass of innocents, but unlike those around her a defiant tilt graced her head.
    He willed her to turn around so he could see her face, look into her eyes. When she didn’t comply, he increased the pressure of the compulsion. At her seeming indifference, his beast rose with displeasure. She dared defy him? Bracken sucked in an irritated breath and narrowed his eyes in concentration. The predator inside pushed and strained against his control.
    He stalked toward his target, mentally pushing the women closest to him out of his way. He grasped at his control, trying to calm the beast. The women backed away, giving him a wide berth.
    As he got closer he saw her talking to Rriodan.
    “You will come with me.” Rriodan’s voice was laden with compulsion.
    “I don’t think so,” a strong, steady voice said. Not the voice of a woman fighting off a mental push.
    Rriodan leaned in close and whispered something Bracken could not hear.
    “You can’t touch me. The law states that I must agree to be chosen. And I do not choose you.” Venom laced her voice.
    Rriodan’s face showed no anger, but Bracken caught the telling tick at the base of his neck. If he didn’t intervene, Rriodan might

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